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4. Expectations—How Much<br />

Muscle & Might You Can<br />

Expect to Make Real<br />

4.1 How good and strong a physique you can build, and how long it will take,<br />

depend on many factors including age, gender, genetics, training methods<br />

used, motivation, diet, and your rest and recovery schedule. Only you can<br />

find how far you can go by actually going as far as you can go.<br />

4.2 To achieve your potential you need to invest years of effort, investigate different<br />

interpretations of sensible training, find what works best for you, and<br />

fine-tune it according to changes in your lifestyle and level of development.<br />

Real-world targets<br />

4.3 Gauge your long-term goals on the basis of what is realistic for most typical<br />

people who train with weights, provided they give their pound of flesh<br />

and deliver the dedication, determination, effort and persistence that are<br />

needed.<br />

4.4 Long-term goals, however realistic they may be, can seem so impossibly far<br />

off that they lead to discouragement. Keep your medium-term and shortterm<br />

goals foremost in your mind. But project into a long-term perspective<br />

the successful achievement of a run of medium-term goals, and then you<br />

will see the terrific progress you can make after a few years.<br />

4.5 Focus on achieving the next 5–10% gain in all your exercises. If you apply<br />

yourself to this, and keep doing it repeatedly for a number of years, you<br />

will eventually get as big and strong as it is possible for you to become. Your<br />

short-term goal should be to take the next small step to getting to your next<br />

set of 5%- or 10%-poundage-gain medium-term goals.<br />


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