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7.56 Little discs are those lighter than the standard 1.25-kilogram and 2.5-<br />

pound plates that are usually the smallest ones available in most gyms. (See<br />

Resources for suppliers of little discs.) While these little gems are a great help<br />

for male trainees, they are even more useful for female trainees.<br />

7.57 With the little discs you are perfectly set for adding very small increments,<br />

especially to the smaller exercises such as barbell overhead presses, curls,<br />

grip work, and basic dumbbell work. If you use fixed-weight dumbbells,<br />

which usually go up in 5-pound increments, securely tape the little discs to<br />

the actual dumbbells when you need to add just a little weight. (If you use<br />

adjustable dumbbells, then you will load the little discs as normal, inside the<br />

collars.) Bigger exercises such as the powerlifts do not demand the lightest<br />

discs as much as the smaller basic movements do. But at the end of a cycle<br />

you can eke out more growth weeks if not months on the biggest exercises by<br />

using very small discs. Once you start using them you will quickly appreciate<br />

their huge value.<br />

7.58 Exercises that have the potential for the biggest poundages, e.g., short-range<br />

pulling movements, especially if done for singles (by advanced lifters), can<br />

progress over the long term without little discs having to be used. Increments<br />

of 5 pounds or perhaps even more can happen weekly, for months<br />

on end, in those specialized exercises. ose are not, however, the exercises<br />

being considered here.<br />

7.59 Ideally, get yourself a set of discs that enables you to cover a 5-pound “distance”<br />

in 1-pound jumps, or 2.5 kilos in 0.5-kilo increments. To do this you<br />

need more than just one pair of small discs. You will need, for example, two<br />

pairs of 1-pound discs and a pair of half-pound ones. With metric plates,<br />

two pairs of half-kilo ones, and one pair of quarter-kilo ones will do the<br />

job. If you are performing leverage bar work for your forearms, you will also<br />

appreciate a quarter-pound disc or a 100-gram plate.<br />

7.60 You may get small discs with small holes in them when you really need discs<br />

with the large holes for use on Olympic bars, or vice versa. Olympic plates<br />

can be used on an exercise bar, but jam them between much larger plates to<br />

reduce their rattling while exercising. e small exercise-bar discs will suffice<br />

for an Olympic bar, but you will have to tape them securely onto the bigger<br />

plates loaded on your bar, or securely tie/hang them onto the bar itself. It<br />

might seem weird to attach the discs in this way, but if that is what is needed<br />

to get the job done, do it. You may cause smiles in the gym, but after a few<br />


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