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regular abbreviated training (e.g., Frameworks 2–4) with a cycle of superabbreviated<br />

training, you are not going to produce any serious imbalances.<br />

FR AMEWORK 6<br />

Specialization program<br />

12.44 Frameworks 1–5 are designed to produce strength gains and muscular<br />

growth throughout the body. In a specialization program, focus is given<br />

to a single body part or specific exercise. Progress is only targeted in the<br />

focus body part or exercise. Good progress means a substantial increase in<br />

strength relative to your recent personal bests in the exercises concerned—<br />

not necessarily relative to the cycle’s starting poundages because they will<br />

likely be less than your personal bests, especially if you have not done the<br />

exercises concerned for a while.<br />

12.45 e existing strength and development of the rest of your physique should<br />

be maintained with the minimum of exercise and effort. Any effort to progress<br />

in the rest of your physique must be temporarily suspended. en the<br />

effort and recovery ability that is “saved” from easing back on the rest of your<br />

physique can be channeled into the focus body part or exercise.<br />

12.46 Specialization is not needed by beginners and intermediates. At those stages<br />

you need overall growth and strength. Trying to produce a big increase in<br />

size in a single body part, or poundage gain in a single exercise, without<br />

first having the main structures of the body in impressive condition by the<br />

standards of non-competitive bodybuilding and lifting, is to have made a<br />

mockery of weight training.<br />

12.47 To get big and strong you have to consider the body as a whole, not as a<br />

collection of parts. e hard gainer can only tolerate and respond to a smallto-moderate<br />

amount of training. Exceed this and you will get nowhere, or<br />

perhaps even regress. Concentrate on your thighs, hips, back and upperbody<br />

pushing structure. Hard gainers cannot be concerned with keeping<br />

everything in perfect balance while building themselves up. Of course you<br />

do not want to end up with a body way out of proportion, but if you concern<br />

yourself with “perfect” balance right from early on in your training, you will<br />

have to use so many exercises and train so much that you will lose your focus<br />

upon the best exercises, and make overtraining and stagnation inevitable.<br />

12.48 If instead of being concerned about biceps, delts, triceps, pecs and lats specialization<br />

all hard gainers were concerned with getting stronger and stron-<br />


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