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19.5 Older trainees, when compared on age alone, cannot be considered equally.<br />

Someone aged fifty who has been training consistently for thirty years cannot<br />

be compared to a fifty-year-old who is starting training. A forty-yearold<br />

weight-training beginner who has kept himself relatively fit from other<br />

activities cannot be compared to someone of the same age who has neglected<br />

his health and fitness for decades. Each individual is a unique case.<br />

19.6 Regardless of how old or out of condition you are it is never too late to take<br />

up exercise. Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life, so live for now<br />

and add years to your life, and life to your years.<br />

19.7 e benefits of exercise, even just moderate exercise, are huge, especially for<br />

older people. e older you get, the more important it is that you exercise.<br />

19.8 Younger trainees are usually mostly, if not totally appearance and strength<br />

orientated. Many older trainees feel much the same way. But once beyond<br />

thirty-five years old, internal health and well-being from cardiorespiratory<br />

work should play an important part of a total exercise program. en much<br />

later in life it should become even more important. But while strength training<br />

becomes less important as one ages, relatively speaking, it should always<br />

remain very important. Having strong and well-developed muscles does not<br />

merely have aesthetic benefits. Being strong produces critical health benefits<br />

and contributes greatly to reducing the ravages of Father Time. Exercise<br />

truly helps you to stay young for your years.<br />

19.9 Especially if you are in middle age or older, you must get a physician’s clearance<br />

before starting an exercise program. Even minimal exercise can be<br />

extremely stressful for someone in poor condition.<br />

19.10 While progress in strength, muscular development, flexibility and cardiovascular<br />

fitness can be made at any age, the possible negative side of exercise<br />

(aches and pains, and injuries) is greater as you age. But without care<br />

being given to an appropriate, careful and progressive exercise program, the<br />

negative side will dominate and lead to terminating the exercise program.<br />

Remember, “Use it or lose it, but don’t abuse it.”<br />

19.11 e older you get, the more careful you need to be with making changes in<br />

your training load, and in your program as a whole. e room for error for<br />

the young person is much greater than for the older person.<br />


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