SENATE - Louisiana

SENATE - Louisiana

SENATE - Louisiana


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Page 135 <strong>SENATE</strong><br />

June 21, 2004<br />

Representatives:<br />

Joe R. Salter<br />

Dan W. Morrish<br />

N. J. Damico<br />

Rules Suspended<br />

Respectfully submitted,<br />

Senators:<br />

Heulette "Clo" Fontenot<br />

Max T. Malone<br />

Senator Fontenot asked for and obtained a suspension of the<br />

rules for the purpose of considering the Conference Committee<br />

Report.<br />

Motion<br />

Senator Fontenot moved that the Senate adopt the Conference<br />

Committee Report.<br />

Senator McPherson moved as a substitute motion that the<br />

Senate reject the Conference Committee Report.<br />

Senator Fontenot objected.<br />


The roll was called with the following result:<br />

YEAS<br />

Cain Hainkel Smith<br />

Gautreaux, B McPherson Ullo<br />

Total—6<br />

NAYS<br />

Mr. President Duplessis Kostelka<br />

Adley Dupre Lentini<br />

Amedee Ellington Malone<br />

Bajoie Fields Marionneaux<br />

Barham Fontenot Michot<br />

Boasso Gautreaux, N Mount<br />

Boissiere Heitmeier Nevers<br />

Chaisson Holden Romero<br />

Cheek Hollis Theunissen<br />

Cravins<br />

Irons<br />

Dardenne<br />

Jackson<br />

Total—31<br />

Jones<br />

Total—2<br />

ABSENT<br />

Schedler<br />

The Chair declared the bill was Senate refused to reject the<br />

Conference Committee Report.<br />


The roll was called on the original motion to adopt the<br />

Conference Committee Report with the following result:<br />

YEAS<br />

Mr. President Duplessis Jackson<br />

Adley Dupre Jones<br />

Amedee Ellington Kostelka<br />

Bajoie Fields Lentini<br />

Barham Fontenot Malone<br />

Boasso Gautreaux, B Marionneaux<br />

Boissiere Hainkel Michot<br />

Chaisson Heitmeier Mount<br />

Cheek Holden Nevers<br />

Cravins Hollis Romero<br />

Dardenne Irons Theunissen<br />

Total—33<br />

NAYS<br />

Cain<br />

McPherson<br />

Total—4<br />

Gautreaux, N<br />

Total—2<br />

Smith<br />

Ullo<br />

ABSENT<br />

Schedler<br />

The Chair declared the Conference Committee Report was<br />

adopted. Senator Fontenot moved to reconsider the vote by which<br />

the report was adopted and laid the motion on the table.<br />

Personal Privilege<br />

Senator Nevers asked for and obtained the floor of the Senate on<br />

a point of personal privilege, and stated he had voted in error on the<br />

motion by Senator Fontenot to adopt the Conference Committee<br />

Report to House Bill No. 846. He voted yea on the motion and had<br />

intended to vote nay. He asked that the Official Journal so state.<br />


House Bill No. 672 By Representative Arnold<br />

June 18, 2004<br />

To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of<br />

Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the<br />

Senate.<br />

Ladies and Gentlemen:<br />

We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement<br />

between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 672 by<br />

Representative Arnold, recommend the following concerning the<br />

reengrossed bill:<br />

1. That Amendment No. 1 of the set of Senate Floor Amendments<br />

proposed by Senator Boasso and adopted by the Senate on June<br />

4, 2004, be rejected.<br />

2. That Amendment No. 2 of the set of Senate Floor Amendments<br />

proposed by Senator Boasso and adopted by the Senate on June<br />

4, 2004, be adopted.<br />


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