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sible? Will blood-based markers, such as circulating<br />

free DNA, become a way for clinicians to adequately<br />

assess resistance mechanisms?<br />

• How do we design and implement novel clinical trials<br />

that take into consideration the rapid pace of scientifıc<br />

discovery and the demand to bring more effective therapies<br />

into the forefront of care? Furthermore, how do we<br />

design these trials to encompass systematic analysis of<br />

biomarkers that are found in increasingly smaller percentages<br />

of patients? Cooperative group trials, such as<br />

the NCI ALK Master Protocol, which is currently being<br />

developed, will certainly assist in achieving this design<br />

goal.<br />

• What other effective combination therapies can be devised<br />

to tackle the problem of TKI resistance? Will cotreatment<br />

with different classes of drugs, such as TKIs<br />

and immune checkpoint inhibitors, be effective in overcoming<br />

resistance? How should these agents be dosed:<br />

simultaneously or sequentially?<br />

• Finally, how can cutting-edge studies of TKI resistance<br />

in NSCLC be translated to other malignancies? Many of<br />

the current and emerging therapeutic targets in NSCLC,<br />

such as ALK, ROS1, and RET, also are found in other<br />

malignancies. To more broadly tackle and surmount the<br />

problem of acquired resistance, studies in NSCLC, we<br />

hope, can be used to inform management in distinct tumor<br />

types that harbor these same targets.<br />

Overall, a thorough understanding of the mechanistic basis<br />

for acquired resistance and the development of innovative<br />

therapeutic strategies to overcome resistance are paramount<br />

to most effectively combat resistance and, therefore, to improve<br />

the care of patients who have lung cancer.<br />


Christine M. Lovly was supported by National Institutes of<br />

Health Awards R01CA121210 and P01CA129243, a Damon<br />

Runyon Clinical Investigator Award, and a LUNGevity<br />

CAreer Development Award.<br />

Disclosures of Potential Conflicts of Interest<br />

Relationships are considered self-held and compensated unless otherwise noted. Relationships marked “L” indicate leadership positions. Relationships marked “I” are those held by an immediate<br />

family member; those marked “B” are held by the author and an immediate family member. Institutional relationships are marked “Inst.” Relationships marked “U” are uncompensated.<br />

Employment: None. Leadership Position: None. Stock or Other Ownership Interests: None. Honoraria: Christine M. Lovly, Harrison and Star. Consulting<br />

or Advisory Role: Christine M. Lovly, Novartis, Pfizer. Speakers’ Bureau: Christine M. Lovly, Abbot Molecular, Qiagen. Research Funding: Christine M. Lovly,<br />

Astra Zeneca, Novartis. Patents, Royalties, or Other Intellectual Property: None. Expert Testimony: None. Travel, Accommodations, Expenses: None.<br />

Other Relationships: None.<br />

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asco.org/edbook | 2015 ASCO EDUCATIONAL BOOK<br />


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