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ideal candidates for such strategy. There is evidence to show that<br />

the mutational profıle found in hematopoietic cells has an influence<br />

on treatment effıcacy. For example in ET, patients with or<br />

without a JAK2 mutation display different responses to HU, and<br />

the control of the platelet count requires lower doses of HU in<br />

patients who are positive for JAK2 V617F. 59 In addition, a reduced<br />

prevalence of arterial thrombosis was observed in patients<br />

with a JAK2 V617F–positive status who were receiving<br />

HU compared with anagrelide, whereas no difference was<br />

found in patients with a JAK2 V617F–negative status for the<br />

same endpoint. In PV, IFN-alfa had a differential impact<br />

on malignant clones according to the presence of JAK2 or<br />

TET2 mutations; the JAK2-mutated clones were much<br />

more sensitive to IFN-alfa than the clones with the TET2<br />

mutation. 60 These fındings suggest that the mutational<br />

profıle could provide important information not only in<br />

terms of prognosis but also for the choice of therapy. This<br />

could be particularly important in patients with MF, because<br />

they have a poorer life expectancy and often-complex mutational<br />

profıles. To validate such a personalized approach,<br />

there is a need for prospective studies in cohorts of patients<br />

fully characterized for mutations that may change<br />

the response to therapies. This characterization could be<br />

available soon in a number of centers with the rapid development<br />

and wider availability of next-generation sequencing<br />

techniques.<br />

In terms of new therapies, two classes of drugs currently are<br />

being evaluated in early-phase studies and may play a role in<br />

MPN management in the future. First, histone deacetylase inhibitors<br />

have shown some effıcacy, like panobinostat in PMF 61<br />

or givinostat in PV. 62 The most promising results with these<br />

drugs may result from a combination with JAK inhibitors by<br />

targeting parallel signaling pathways involved in disease development.<br />

A telomerase inhibitor, imetelstat, also has had effıcacy<br />

in ET and PMF and currently is being evaluated for effıcacy and<br />

safety. 63<br />

Disclosures of Potential Conflicts of Interest<br />

Relationships are considered self-held and compensated unless otherwise noted. Relationships marked “L” indicate leadership positions. Relationships marked “I” are those held by an immediate<br />

family member; those marked “B” are held by the author and an immediate family member. Institutional relationships are marked “Inst.” Relationships marked “U” are uncompensated.<br />

Employment: None. Leadership Position: None. Stock or Other Ownership Interests: None. Honoraria: Jean-Jacques Kiladjian, Novartis, Shire.<br />

Consulting or Advisory Role: Jean-Jacques Kiladjian, Novartis, Shire, Incyte. Speakers’ Bureau: None. Research Funding: Jean-Jacques Kiladjian, AOP<br />

Orphan (Inst), Novartis (Inst). Patents, Royalties, or Other Intellectual Property: None. Expert Testimony: None. Travel, Accommodations, Expenses:<br />

Jean-Jacques Kiladjian, Novartis, Incyte. Other Relationships: None.<br />

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