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Table 1. Clinical Characteristics of Patients Eligible<br />

versus Optimal for Radium 223<br />

Eligible Patients<br />

Two or more bone metastases<br />

Pain from bone metastases<br />

Adequate marrow reserve<br />

No visceral metastases<br />

Prior docetaxel (or ineligible/<br />

declined docetaxel)<br />

Optimal Patients<br />

More than 6 bone metastases<br />

Serum alkaline phosphatase greater than<br />

or equal to 220 U/L<br />

Concurrent bisphosphonate use<br />

Question not in the setting of “superscan”<br />



The treatment landscape for patients with symptomatic CRPC<br />

is complex and manifested by the availability of a wide array of<br />

therapeutic modalities ranging from oral androgen inhibitors,<br />

cytotoxic chemotherapy, and external beam radiotherapy as<br />

well as radium 223. Although radium 223 may have a place in<br />

treatment for many patients with symptomatic CRPC, timing<br />

its use in a treatment sequence for any specifıc patient presents a<br />

challenging decision for a treating physician. Given the potential<br />

for additive and long-term myelosuppression associated with<br />

bone-target radiopharmaceuticals and cytotoxic chemotherapy,<br />

most of the available analyses focus on the timing of radium 223<br />

before or after docetaxel-based chemotherapy.<br />

Tolerability of radium 223 was similar in men who had received<br />

chemotherapy fırst and in those who declined or were<br />

not felt to be eligible for chemotherapy. A retrospective analysis<br />

from ALSYMPCA identifıed modestly higher rates of hematologic<br />

toxicity in docetaxel-pretreated patients receiving<br />

radium 223 compared with those not previously treated with<br />

docetaxel (Table 2). There was also a higher rate of packed<br />

red blood cell transfusion, which persisted during the 13-<br />

week time period after completion of the sixth cycle of radium<br />

223 therapy. 4 Nonhematologic toxicities were similar<br />

in the two groups, although there was more nausea (40% vs.<br />


<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Radium 223 delays time to symptomatic skeletal-related<br />

events and prolongs overall survival for men with mCRPC<br />

and more than two bone metastases with pain attributed<br />

to bone metastases.<br />

Greater benefit may occur in subgroups of men with more<br />

than six bone metastases and elevated serum alkaline<br />

phosphatase over 220 U/L.<br />

There is a modestly higher rate of hematologic toxicity in men<br />

receiving radium 223 after previous docetaxel therapy, but no<br />

data exist regarding the effect of radium 223 on bone marrow<br />

reserve for subsequent chemotherapy.<br />

Follow-up data are limited regarding the possibility of long-term<br />

myelosuppression and secondary myelodysplasia or leukemia.<br />

Prostate-specific antigen changes should not be used to<br />

determine response to treatment or duration of treatment.<br />

Table 2. Rates and Grades of Hematologic Toxicity in<br />

Patients Receiving Radium 223 by Prior Docetaxel<br />

Therapy Status<br />

Prior Docetaxel<br />

(347 Patients)<br />

Anemia<br />

All grades 120 (35%) 67 (27%)<br />

Grade 3 42 (12%) 24 (10%)<br />

Grade 4 8 (2%) 3 (1%)<br />

Grade 5 0 0<br />

Neutropenia<br />

All grades 24 (7%) 6 (2%)<br />

Grade 3 8 (2%) 1 ( 1%)<br />

Grade 4 3 (1%) 1 ( 1%)<br />

Grade 5 0 0<br />

Thrombocytopenia<br />

All grades 53 (15%) 16 (6%)<br />

Grade 3 15 (4%) 5 (2%)<br />

Grade 4 16 (5%) 2 (1%)<br />

Grade 5 0 1 ( 1%)<br />

No Prior Docetaxel<br />

(253 Patients)<br />

30%) and vomiting (24% vs. 11%) for docetaxel-pretreated<br />

compared with nonpretreated patients.<br />

Effıcacy of radium 223 was seen in both docetaxelpretreated<br />

and docetaxel-naive patients in ALSYMPCA.<br />

However, subgroup analysis did identify that symptomatic<br />

skeletal events were not substantially delayed in the<br />

docetaxel-naive group. 5 Specifıcally, the median time to sSRE<br />

was 17 months for patients treated with radium 223 and 19.5<br />

months for placebo in docetaxel-naive patients (p 0.12),<br />

whereas the median time to sSRE was 13.5 months in the radium<br />

223 group compared with 7.8 months for placebo in<br />

docetaxel-pretreated patients (p 0.00087). Although this is a<br />

subgroup analysis, and this fınding warrants caution in interpretation,<br />

it may be that patients pretreated with docetaxel with<br />

bone pain represent an enriched, more aggressive subgroup in<br />

which bone targeting therapy may yield a greater effect.<br />

In terms of the tolerability of chemotherapy after radium<br />

223, no published data exist regarding how many men<br />

treated with radium 223 went on to receive docetaxel (or<br />

other chemotherapy) and how they tolerated therapy in<br />

terms of myelosuppression. This may be because of the fact<br />

that enrollment in ALSYMPCA was restricted to men who<br />

had either received docetaxel or were not eligible for or declined<br />

docetaxel therapy such that there may be limited numbers<br />

of patients from this trial who subsequently received<br />

docetaxel. As noted above, the increased need for blood<br />

transfusions persisted in the 13 weeks following completion<br />

of radium 223 therapy, which suggests that tolerance of chemotherapy<br />

may be affected, at least in the short term. Thus<br />

the potential for higher rate of hematologic toxicity during<br />

radium 223 treatment when docetaxel has been administered<br />

fırst must be considered against the possibility that radium<br />

asco.org/edbook | 2015 ASCO EDUCATIONAL BOOK<br />


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