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Perspectives on Clinical Trials for Gastrointestinal Malignancies<br />

Cathy Eng, MD, FACP, Nancy Roach, Michele Longabaugh, RN, and George Fisher, MD, PhD<br />

We all accept the premise that clinical trials are essential<br />

to improving the care and outcomes of those afflicted<br />

with cancer. Indeed, without successful enrollment into clinical<br />

trials, there would be no new diagnostics or treatments<br />

for cancer. Yet, it is often quoted that fewer than 5% of adult<br />

patients with cancer participate in clinical trials. The dismal<br />

accrual rates have been the subject of many learned reviews.<br />

In this article, two academic oncologists, a patient advocate<br />

and a cancer survivor/author contribute our perspectives on<br />

the problem and have chosen to focus on gastrointestinal<br />

cancers in the United States as our example.<br />


First, we must ask if the approximately 5% participation rate<br />

in clinical trials is accurate, and of whom this 5% comprises.<br />

Murthy et al 1 calculated an enrollment fraction of 1.7% in<br />

National Cancer Institute (NCI)–sponsored clinical trials divided<br />

by the total estimated cancer cases in the United States.<br />

Whereas 3.0% of patients age 30 to 64 enrolled in a clinical<br />

trial, but only 1.3% of those age 65 to 74 participated. Given<br />

that the median age of diagnosis of a gastrointestinal (GI)<br />

malignancy is 71 2 , it is clear that the majority of patients with<br />

GI cancer (i.e., those 65 and older) are underrepresented. In<br />

another snapshot of recent accrual, Al-Refaie et al 3 noted that<br />

of the 244,528 patients (with melanoma, breast, lung, esophagus,<br />

gastric, liver, pancreas, colon, rectum, or anal cancers)<br />

in the California Cancer Registry between 2001 and 2008, a<br />

meager 0.64% enrolled in a clinical trial. The enrollment rate<br />

was even further reduced among blacks compared with<br />

whites (0.48% vs. 0.67%, p 0.05). Of those who did enroll,<br />

97% had some form of health insurance and 3% listed insurance<br />

as either none or unknown. During this same period of<br />

time, it was estimated that 29.5% of California adults were<br />

uninsured. 4 Clearly, lack of insurance has been a major barrier<br />

to accrual. In sharp contrast, in 2007, the United Kingdom<br />

reported 32,000 patients (14% of the annual U.K. cancer<br />

incidence) were enrolled in clinical trials. 5 In 2014, the number<br />

of patients enrolled has increased dramatically to more<br />

than 60,000. 6<br />

Even among those who are eligible and insured, access to a<br />

trial is not a certainty. Of the 4,617 patients enrolled in a clinical<br />

trial 7 at John Hopkins Medicine (2003 to 2008), 628 patients<br />

(13.6%) were denied trial enrollment because of refusal<br />

of insurance coverage. To date, these challenges remain, and<br />

they appear to be mounting given the arduous amount of additional<br />

work that is sometimes required of health care providers.<br />

With the approval of the Affordable Care Act (ACA),<br />

it is expected that there will be increased patient enrollment<br />

since insurance providers are required by law to provide for<br />

routine patient costs associated with clinical trials. 7<br />

Recognizing the ineffıciencies inherent to NCI-sponsored<br />

cooperative group research, the Institute of Medicine prompted<br />

a reduction/merger of cooperative groups with the intention<br />

of reducing redundancy and expediting the design and conduct<br />

of clinical trials. 8 As per the NCI’s Operational Effıciency<br />

Working Group (OEWG) report, this has made some<br />

initial effect in regards to reinforcing investigators to follow a<br />

tight timeline. 9 Yet, the reimbursement rate per patient enrolled<br />

(approximately $2,000 per patient) has not changed<br />

for over a decade. This results in a fınancial loss to the institution<br />

and is an additional disincentive to open and accrue to<br />

NCI cooperative group trials. Furthermore, the effect of<br />

U.S. government budge sequestration adversely affected<br />

all aspects of research development from bench to bedside.<br />

10 With increasing costs of research, largely due to the<br />

limitations of drug accessibility, even pharmaceuticalsponsored<br />

studies are being referred overseas because of<br />

the reduced costs and rapid enrollment compared with the<br />

United States. For example, when surveying 20 of the largest<br />

U.S. pharmaceutical companies, it is reported that up<br />

to one-third of phase III clinical trials are being conducted<br />

overseas. 11-13<br />

Personalized (or precision) medicine adds complexity to<br />

clinical trial enrollment. Patients and oncologists are more<br />

frequently ordering molecular profıling of tumor samples,<br />

with the hope of fınding an actionable target. Patients are<br />

From The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX; Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA.<br />

Disclosures of potential conflicts of interest are found at the end of this article.<br />

Corresponding author: Cathy Eng, MD, FACP, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, 1515 Holcombe Blvd, Houston, TX 77030; email: ceng@mdanderson.org.<br />

© 2015 by American Society of Clinical Oncology.<br />

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