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with other anti-MM treatments and its use in earlier lines<br />

of treatment. 32<br />


Carfılzomib initially was evaluated in patients with very advanced<br />

MM. In the single-arm phase II study PX-171-003-<br />

A1, the treatment of patients with relapsed and refractory<br />

MM with single-agent carfılzomib led to durable responses,<br />

resulting in an ORR of 23.7%, a median DOR of 7.8 months,<br />

and a median OS of 15.6 months. 48 Furthermore, the phase II<br />

study PX-171-004 examined carfılzomib in patients with relapsed<br />

and/or refractory MM who were treated previously<br />

with bortezomib and in patients who were bortezomibnaive.<br />

49,50 In patients previously treated with bortezomib, the<br />

ORR was 17.1%, with a median DOR of more than10.6<br />

months and a median TTP of 4.6 months, 50 whereas in 126<br />

response-evaluable bortezomib-naive patients, an ORR of<br />

47.6% and a median TTP of 12.0 months were seen. 49 The<br />

lower ORR in patients previously treated with bortezomib<br />

may be attributable to a subset of patients who developed resistance<br />

to the class of PIs.<br />

Both the PX-171-003-A1 and PX-171-004 trials examined<br />

a target dose of 27 mg/m 2 of carfılzomib. Higher doses of<br />

carfılzomib have been examined in phase Ib/II studies and<br />

appear to be associated with an increased likelihood of<br />

achieving a clinical response. 32 However, this requires confırmation<br />

in further trials. Thus far, doses higher than those<br />

recommended in the label have not been examined in patients<br />

with relapsed and refractory disease.<br />


The tremendously active research into treatments for MM<br />

has resulted in a number of highly active new agents and encourages<br />

optimism to the goal of transforming MM into a<br />

chronic disease. Although none of the agents with novel<br />

mechanisms of action (those following the PIs or IMiDs) are<br />

yet to be approved, it is reasonable to believe that several will<br />

be in the near future. Our task will be to defıne the optimal<br />

sequence of treatment, the optimal combinations both for<br />

front-line and relapsed myeloma, according to age, comorbidities,<br />

cost, drug availability, and patients’ choice.<br />

Disclosures of Potential Conflicts of Interest<br />

Relationships are considered self-held and compensated unless otherwise noted. Relationships marked “L” indicate leadership positions. Relationships marked “I” are those held by an immediate<br />

family member; those marked “B” are held by the author and an immediate family member. Institutional relationships are marked “Inst.” Relationships marked “U” are uncompensated.<br />

Employment: None. Leadership Position: None. Stock or Other Ownership Interests: None. Honoraria: None. Consulting or Advisory Role: None.<br />

Speakers’ Bureau: None. Research Funding: Cyrille Touzeau, Abbvie (Inst). Patents, Royalties, or Other Intellectual Property: None. Expert<br />

Testimony: None. Travel, Accommodations, Expenses: None. Other Relationships: None.<br />

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asco.org/edbook | 2015 ASCO EDUCATIONAL BOOK<br />


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