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Starting and Stopping the EngineDo not crank the engine for more than 10seconds at a time as starter damage mayoccur. If the engine fails to start, turn thekey to off and wait 30 seconds beforetrying again.Do not use starting fluid such as ether inthe air intake system. Such fluid couldcause immediate explosive damage to theengine and possible personal injury.If you should experience cold weatherstarting problems on E85 ethanol, andneither an alternative brand of E85 ethanolnor an engine block heater is available, theaddition of unleaded gasoline to your tankimproves cold starting performance. Yourvehicle is designed to operate on E85ethanol alone, unleaded gasoline alone, orany mixture of the two.If the Engine Fails to Start Using thePreceding Instructions (Flexible FuelVehicles Only)1. Press and hold down the acceleratorone-third to one-half the way to thefloor, then crank the engine.2. When the engine starts, release thekey, then gradually release theaccelerator pedal as the engine speedsup. If the engine still fails to start,repeat Step 1.Guarding Against Exhaust FumesWARNINGIf you smell exhaust fumes insideyour vehicle, have your vehiclechecked by your authorized dealerimmediately. Do not drive your vehicle ifyou smell exhaust fumes. Carbonmonoxide is present in exhaust fumes.Take precautions to avoid its dangerouseffects.Important Ventilating InformationIf you stop your vehicle and the leave theengine idling for long periods of time, werecommend that you do one of thefollowing:• Open the windows at least 1 inch (2.5centimeters)• Set your climate control to outside air.ENGINE BLOCK HEATER (IFEQUIPPED)WARNINGSFailure to follow engine block heaterinstructions could result in propertydamage or serious personal injury.Do not use your heater withungrounded electrical systems ortwo-pronged adapters. There is a riskof electrical shock.Note: The heater is most effective whenoutdoor temperatures are below 0°F(-18°C).The heater acts as a starting aid bywarming the engine coolant. This allowsthe climate control system to respondquickly. The equipment includes a heaterelement (installed in the engine block) anda wire harness. You can connect thesystem to a grounded 120-volt ACelectrical source.We recommend that you do the followingfor a safe and correct operation:• Use a 16-gauge outdoor extension cordthat is product certified byUnderwriter’s Laboratory (UL) orCanadian Standards Association(CSA). This extension cord must besuitable for use outdoors, in cold137F150 (TF6) , enUSA

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