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LocksLOCKING AND UNLOCKINGYou can use the power door lock controlor the remote control to lock and unlockyour vehicle.Power Door Locks (If Equipped)The power door lock control is on the driverand front passenger door panels.E163049ABAUnlockLockBRemote Control (If Equipped)You can use the remote control at any timeyour vehicle is not running.Unlocking the Doors (Two-StageUnlock)E138629Press the button to unlock thedriver door.Press the button again withinthree seconds to unlock all doors. The turnsignals will flash.Press and hold both the lock and unlockbuttons on the remote control for fourseconds to disable or enable two-stageunlocking. Disabling two-stage unlockingallows all vehicle doors to unlock with onepress of the button. The turn signals willflash twice to indicate a change to theunlocking mode. The unlocking modeapplies to the remote control and keylessentry keypad.Locking the DoorsE138623Press the button to lock all thedoors. The turn signals willilluminate.Press the button again within threeseconds to confirm that all the doors areclosed. The doors will lock again, the hornwill sound and the turn signals willilluminate if all the doors are closed.MislockIf any door is open or if the hood is open onvehicles with an anti-theft alarm or remotestart, the horn will sound twice and thelamps will not flash.Smart Unlocks (If Equipped)This feature helps to prevent you fromlocking yourself out of your vehicle if yourkey is still in the ignition.When you open the driver door and lockyour vehicle with the power door lockcontrol, all the doors will lock then unlockif your key is still in the ignition.Your can still lock your vehicle with the keyin the ignition by:• using the manual lock on the door• locking the driver door with a key• using the keyless entry keypad• using the lock button on the remotecontrolAutolock and Autounlock (If Equipped)The autolock feature will lock all the doorswhen:• all doors are closed, and• the ignition is on, and• you shift into any gear putting yourvehicle in motion, and• your vehicle attains a speed greaterthan 12 mph (20 km/h).57F150 (TF6) , enUSA

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