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Customer AssistanceIn order to help you serve you better,please have the following informationavailable when contacting a CustomerRelationship Center:• Vehicle Identification Number.• Your telephone number (home andbusiness).• The name of the authorized dealer andcity where located.• The vehicle’s current odometer reading.In some states, you must directly notifyFord in writing before pursuing remediesunder your state’s warranty laws. Ford isalso allowed a final repair attempt in somestates.In the United States, a warranty disputemust be submitted to the BBB AUTO LINEbefore taking action under theMagnuson-Moss Warranty Act, or to theextent allowed by state law, beforepursuing replacement or repurchaseremedies provided by certain state laws.This dispute handling procedure is notrequired prior to enforcing state createdrights or other rights which are independentof the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act orstate replacement or repurchase laws.IN CALIFORNIA (U.S. ONLY)California Civil Code Section 1793.2(d)requires that, if a manufacturer or itsrepresentative is unable to repair a motorvehicle to conform to the vehicle’sapplicable express warranty after areasonable number of attempts, themanufacturer shall be required to eitherreplace the vehicle with one substantiallyidentical or repurchase the vehicle andreimburse the buyer in an amount equal tothe actual price paid or payable by theconsumer (less a reasonable allowancefor consumer use). The consumer has theright to choose whether to receive a refundor replacement vehicle.California Civil Code Section 1793.22(b)presumes that the manufacturer has hada reasonable number of attempts toconform the vehicle to its applicableexpress warranties if, within the first 18months of ownership of a new vehicle orthe first 18000 miles (29 000 km),whichever occurs first:1. Two or more repair attempts are madeon the same non-conformity likely tocause death or serious bodily injury OR2. Four or more repair attempts are madeon the same nonconformity (a defector condition that substantially impairsthe use, value or safety of the vehicle)OR3. The vehicle is out of service for repairof nonconformities for a total of morethan 30 calendar days (not necessarilyall at one time).In the case of 1 or 2 above, the consumermust also notify the manufacturer of theneed for the repair of the nonconformityat the following address:Ford Motor Company16800 Executive Plaza DriveMail Drop 3NE-BDearborn, MI 48126You are required to submit your warrantydispute to BBB AUTO LINE before assertingin court any rights or remedies conferredby California Civil Code Section 1793.22(b).You are also required to use BBB AUTOLINE before exercising rights or seekingremedies created by the FederalMagnuson-Moss Warranty Act, 15 U.S.C.sec. 2301 et seq. If you choose to seekredress by pursuing rights and remediesnot created by California Civil Code Section1793.22(b) or the Magnuson-MossWarranty Act, resort to BBB AUTO LINE isnot required by those statutes.220F150 (TF6) , enUSA

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