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Fuel and Refuelingpresent, the service engine soon indicatorshould stay off the next time you start theengine. A driving cycle consists of a coldengine startup followed by mixedcity/highway driving. No additional vehicleservice is required.If the service engine soon indicator remainson, have your vehicle serviced at the firstavailable opportunity. Although somemalfunctions detected by the OBD-II maynot have symptoms that are apparent,continued driving with the service enginesoon indicator on can result in increasedemissions, lower fuel economy, reducedengine and transmission smoothness, andlead to more costly repairs.Readiness forInspection/Maintenance (I/M)TestingSome state/provincial and localgovernments may haveInspection/Maintenance (I/M) programsto inspect the emission control equipmenton your vehicle. Failure to pass thisinspection could prevent you from gettinga vehicle registration.If the service engine soonindicator is on or the bulb doesnot work, you may need to havethe vehicle serviced. See On-BoardDiagnostics (OBD-II).Your vehicle may not pass the I/M test ifthe service engine soon indicator is on ornot working properly (bulb is burned out),or if the OBD-II system has determinedthat some of the emission control systemshave not been properly checked. In thiscase, your vehicle is not ready for I/Mtesting.If the vehicle’s engine or transmission hasjust been serviced, or the battery hasrecently run down or been replaced, theOBD-II system may indicate that thevehicle is not ready for I/M testing. Todetermine if the vehicle is ready for I/Mtesting, turn the ignition key to the onposition for 15 seconds without crankingthe engine. If the service engine soonindicator blinks eight times, it means thatthe vehicle is not ready for I/M testing; ifthe service engine soon indicator stays onsolid, it means that the vehicle is ready forI/M testing.The OBD-II system monitors the emissioncontrol system during normal driving. Acomplete check may take several days. Ifthe vehicle is not ready for I/M testing, youmay need to perform the following drivingcycle consisting of mixed city and highwaydriving:Drive on an expressway or highway for asteady 15 minutes, followed by 20 minutesof stop-and-go driving with at least four30-second idle periods.Allow the vehicle to sit for at least eighthours without starting the engine. Then,start the engine and complete the abovedriving cycle. The engine must warm up toits normal operating temperature. Oncestarted, do not turn off the engine until theabove driving cycle is complete. If thevehicle is still not ready for I/M testing, youwill have to repeat the above driving cycle.146F150 (TF6) , enUSA

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