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Wheels and Tires11. Set all four tires to the recommendedair pressure as indicated on theSafety Compliance CertificationLabel (affixed to either the door hingepillar, door-latch post, or the dooredge that meets the door-latch post,next to the driver's seating position)or Tire Label located on the B-Pillaror the edge of the driver's door.CHANGING A ROAD WHEELWARNINGSThe use of tire sealants may damageyour tire pressure monitoring systemand should not be used. However, ifyou must use a sealant, the tire pressuremonitoring system sensor and valve stemon the wheel must be replaced by anauthorized dealer.If the tire pressure monitor sensorbecomes damaged, it will no longerfunction. See Tire PressureMonitoring System (page 283).Note: The tire pressure monitoring systemindicator light will illuminate when the sparetire is in use. To restore the full function ofthe monitoring system, all road wheelsequipped with tire pressure monitoringsensors must be mounted on this vehicle.If you get a flat tire while driving, do notapply the brake heavily. Instead, graduallydecrease your speed. Hold the steeringwheel firmly and slowly move to a safeplace on the side of the road.Have a flat serviced by an authorizeddealer in order to prevent damage to thesystem sensors See Tire PressureMonitoring System (page 283). Replacethe spare tire with a road tire as soon aspossible. During repairing or replacing ofthe flat tire, have the authorized dealerinspect the system sensor for damage.Dissimilar Spare Wheel and TireAssembly InformationWARNINGFailure to follow these guidelinescould result in an increased risk ofloss of vehicle control, injury or death.If you have a dissimilar spare wheel andtire, then it is intended for temporary useonly. This means that if you need to use it,you should replace it as soon as possiblewith a road wheel and tire assembly thatis the same size and type as the road tiresand wheels that were originally providedby Ford. If the dissimilar spare tire or wheelis damaged, it should be replaced ratherthan repaired.A dissimilar spare wheel and tire assemblyis defined as a spare wheel and tireassembly that is different in brand, size orappearance from the road tires and wheelsand can be one of three types:1. T-type mini-spare: This spare tirebegins with the letter T for tire size andmay have Temporary Use Only molded inthe sidewall.2. Full-size dissimilar spare with labelon wheel: This spare tire has a label onthe wheel that states: THIS WHEEL ANDTIRE ASSEMBLY FOR TEMPORARY USEONLYWhen driving with one of the dissimilarspare tires listed above, do not:• Exceed 50 mph (80 km/h)• Load the vehicle beyond maximumvehicle load rating listed on the SafetyCompliance Label.• Tow a trailer.• Use snow chains on the end of thevehicle with the dissimilar spare tire.• Use more than one dissimilar spare tireat a time.289F150 (TF6) , enUSA

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