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Parking AidsPARKING AID (IF EQUIPPED)WARNINGSTo help avoid personal injury, pleaseread and understand the limitationsof the system as contained in thissection. Sensing is only an aid for some(generally large and fixed) objects whenmoving in reverse on a flat surface atparking speeds. Traffic control systems,inclement weather, air brakes, and externalmotors and fans may also affect thefunction of the sensing system; this mayinclude reduced performance or a falseactivation.To help avoid personal injury, alwaysuse caution when in R (Reverse) andwhen using the sensing system.This system is not designed toprevent contact with small or movingobjects. The system is designed toprovide a warning to assist the driver indetecting large stationary objects to avoiddamaging the vehicle. The system may notdetect smaller objects, particularly thoseclose to the ground.Certain add-on devices such as largetrailer hitches, bike or surfboard racksand any device that may block thenormal detection zone of the system, maycreate false beeps.Note: Keep the sensors, located on thebumper or fascia, free from snow, ice andlarge accumulations of dirt. If the sensorsare covered, the system’s accuracy can beaffected. Do not clean the sensors withsharp objects.Note: If your vehicle sustains damage tothe bumper or fascia, leaving it misalignedor bent, the sensing zone may be alteredcausing inaccurate measurement ofobstacles or false alarms.Note: If your vehicle is equipped withMyKey, it is possible to prevent turningthe sensing system off. See MyKey (page53).Note: If your vehicle is equipped with a fullyintegrated electronic trailer brake controller(TBC) and a trailer with electric trailerbrakes is connected to your vehicle, the RSSwill be disabled. When the vehicle is shiftedinto reverse, the information display willremain in the Rear Park Aid Off selection.For more information on the TBC, SeeTrailer Sway Control (page 192).The sensing system warns the driver ofobstacles within a certain range of thebumper area. The system turns onautomatically whenever the ignition isswitched on.When receiving a detection warning, theradio volume is reduced to apredetermined level. After the warninggoes away, the radio volume returns to theprevious level.Rear Sensing SystemThe rear sensors are only active when thetransmission is in R (Reverse). As thevehicle moves closer to the obstacle, therate of the audible warning increases.When the obstacle is fewer than 12 inches(30 centimeters) away, the warningsounds continuously. If a stationary orreceding object is detected farther than 12inches (30 centimeters) from the side ofthe vehicle, the tone sounds for only threeseconds. Once the system detects anobject approaching, the warning soundsagain.172F150 (TF6) , enUSA

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