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Audio SystemIssuesEcho, stutter, skip or repeatin audio.Increase or decrease inaudio volume.Sound fading or blending inand out.Potential station issuesCauseThis is poor time alignmentby the radio broadcaster.The radio is shifting betweenanalog and digital audio.ActionNo action required. This is abroadcast issue.No action required. Thereception issue may clear upas you continue to drive.There is an audio mutedelay when selecting HD2 orHD3, multicast preset orDirect Tune.The digital multicast is notavailable until the HD Radiobroadcast is decoded. Oncedecoded, the audio is available.No action required. This isnormal behavior. Wait untilthe audio is available.Cannot access HD2 or HD3multicast channel whenrecalling a preset or from adirect tune.The previously storedmulticast preset or directtune is not available in yourcurrent reception area.No action required. Thestation is not available inyour current location.Text information does notmatch currently playingaudio.Data service issue by theradio broadcaster.Fill out the station issueform at website listedbelow. *There is no text informationshown for currently selectedfrequency.Data service issue by theradio broadcaster.Fill out the station issueform at website listedbelow. *HD2-HD7 stations not foundwhen Scan is pressed.Pressing Scan disablesHD2-HD7 channel search.No action required. This isnormal behavior.*http://www.ibiquity.com/automotive/report_radio_station_experiencesHD Radio Technology manufactured underlicense from iBiquity Digital Corp. U.S. andforeign patents. HD Radio and the HD andHD Radio logos are proprietary trademarksof iBiquity Digital Corp. Ford MotorCompany and iBiquity Digital Corp. are notresponsible for the content sent using HDRadio technology. Content may bechanged, added or deleted at any time atthe station owner's discretion.SATELLITE RADIO (IF EQUIPPED)SIRIUS® broadcasts a variety of music,news, sports, weather, traffic andentertainment satellite radio channels. Formore information and a complete list ofSIRIUS satellite radio channels, visitwww.siriusxm.com in the United States,www.sirius.ca in Canada, or call SIRIUS at1-888-539-7474.318F150 (TF6) , enUSA

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