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Child SafetySuperCab and SuperCrewE166694Use of Inboard Lower Anchorsfrom the Outboard SeatingPositions (Center Seating Use)E166695The lower LATCH anchors are located atthe rear section of the rear seat betweenthe cushion and seatback. Follow the childseat manufacturer's instructions toproperly install a child seat with LATCHattachments.Follow the instructions later in this chapteron attaching child safety seats with tetherstraps.Attach LATCH lower attachments of thechild seat only to the anchors shown.WARNINGThe standardized spacing for LATCHlower anchors is 11 inches (280millimeters) center to center. Do notuse LATCH lower anchors for the centerseating position unless the child seatmanufacturer's instructions permit andspecify using anchors spaced at least asfar apart as those in this vehicle.The lower anchors at the center of thesecond row rear seat are spaced 25.7inches (652 millimeters) apart. Thestandardized spacing for LATCH loweranchors is 11 inches (280 millimeters)center to center. A child seat with rigidLATCH attachments cannot be installedat the center seating position. LATCHcompatible child seats (with attachmentson belt webbing) can only be used at thisseating position provided that the childseat manufacturer's instructions permituse with the anchor spacing stated. Do notattach a child seat to any lower anchor ifan adjacent child seat is attached to thatanchor.21F150 (TF6) , enUSA

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