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AppendicesDescription of Other Rights andLimitations• Speech Recognition: If theSOFTWARE includes speechrecognition component(s), you shouldunderstand that speech recognition isan inherently statistical process andthat recognition errors are inherent inthe process. Neither FORD MOTORCOMPANY nor its suppliers shall beliable for any damages arising out oferrors in the speech recognitionprocess.• Limitations on Reverse Engineering,Decompilation and Disassembly:You may not reverse engineer,decompile, or disassemble nor permitothers to reverse engineer, decompileor disassemble the SOFTWARE, exceptand only to the extent that such activityis expressly permitted by applicablelaw notwithstanding this limitation.• Limitations on Distributing,Copying, Modifying and CreatingDerivative Works: You may notdistribute, copy, make modificationsto or create derivative works based onthe SOFTWARE, except and only to theextent that such activity is expresslypermitted by applicable lawnotwithstanding this limitation.• Single EULA: The end userdocumentation for the DEVICE andrelated systems and services maycontain multiple EULAs, such asmultiple translations and/or multiplemedia versions (e.g., in the userdocumentation and in the software).Even if you receive multiple EULAs, youare licensed to use only one (1) copy ofthe SOFTWARE.• SOFTWARE Transfer: You maypermanently transfer your rights underthis EULA only as part of a sale ortransfer of the DEVICE, provided youretain no copies, you transfer all of theSOFTWARE (including all componentparts, the media and printed materials,any upgrades, and, if applicable, theCertificate(s) of Authenticity), and therecipient agrees to the terms of thisEULA. If the SOFTWARE is an upgrade,any transfer must include all priorversions of the SOFTWARE.• Termination: Without prejudice to anyother rights, FORD MOTOR COMPANYor MS may terminate this EULA if youfail to comply with the terms andconditions of this EULA.• Security Updates/Digital RightsManagement: Content owners usethe WMDRM technology included inyour DEVICE to protect theirintellectual property, includedcopyrighted content. Portions of theSOFTWARE on your DEVICE useWMDRM software to accessWMDRM-protected content. If theWMDRM software fails to protect thecontent, content owners may askMicrosoft to revoke the SOFTWARE'sability to use WMDRM to play or copyprotected content. This action doesnot affect unprotected content. Whenyour DEVICE downloads licenses forprotected content, you agree thatMicrosoft may include a revocation listwith the licenses. Content owners mayrequire you to upgrade the SOFTWAREon your DEVICE to access their content.If you decline an upgrade, you will notbe able to access content that requiresthe upgrade.422F150 (TF6) , enUSA

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