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Driving AidsSTEERINGElectric Power Steering (3.7L, 5.0Land 3.5L EcoBoost engines) (IfEquipped)WARNINGSThe electric power steering systemhas diagnostic checks thatcontinuously monitor the system toensure proper operation. When a systemerror is detected a steering message willappear in the information display.The electric power steering systemhas diagnostic checks thatcontinuously monitor the system toensure proper operation of the electronicsystem. When an electronic error isdetected, a message will be displayed inthe information display. If this happens,stop the vehicle in a safe place, and turnoff the engine. After at least 10 seconds,reset the system by restarting the engine,and watch the information display for asteering message. If a steering messagereturns, or returns while driving, take thevehicle to your dealer to have it checked.Obtain immediate service if a systemerror is detected. You may not noticeany difference in the feel of yoursteering, but a serious condition may exist.Failure to do so may result in loss ofsteering control.Your vehicle is equipped with an electricpower-assisted steering system. There isno fluid reservoir to check or fill.If your vehicle loses electrical power whileyou are driving (or if the ignition is turnedoff), you can steer the vehicle manually,but it takes more effort. Extremecontinuous steering may increase the effortit takes for you to steer. This occurs toprevent internal overheating andpermanent damage to your steeringsystem. If this should occur, you will neitherlose the ability to steer the vehiclemanually nor will it cause permanentdamage. Typical steering and drivingmaneuvers will allow the system to cooland steering assist will return to normal.Hydraulic Steering (6.2L engine)(If Equipped)To help prevent damage to the powersteering system, never hold the steeringwheel at its furthest turning points (untilit stops) for more than a few secondswhen the engine is running. If the powersteering system breaks down (or if theengine is turned off), you can steer thevehicle manually, but it takes more effort.• Never hold the steering wheel at itsfurthest turning points (until it stops)for more than three to five secondswhen the engine is running.• Do not operate the vehicle with a lowpower steering pump fluid level (belowthe MIN mark on the reservoir).• Some noise is normal during operation.If excessive, check for low powersteering pump fluid level beforeseeking service by your dealer.• Heavy or uneven efforts may be causedby low power steering fluid. Check forlow power steering pump fluid levelbefore seeking service by your dealer.• Do not fill the power steering pumpreservoir above the MAX mark on thereservoir, as this may result in leaksfrom the reservoir.If the power steering system breaks down(or if the engine is turned off), you cansteer the vehicle manually, but it takesmore effort.177F150 (TF6) , enUSA

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