The Three Principle Texts of Daoism translated by ... - Bad Request

The Three Principle Texts of Daoism translated by ... - Bad Request

The Three Principle Texts of Daoism translated by ... - Bad Request


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no retribution. But gold, jade, and precious stones, stores<strong>of</strong> grain, silk stuffs, and other kinds <strong>of</strong> property, arethings accumulated <strong>by</strong> men, not bestowed upon us <strong>by</strong>Nature. So who can complain if he gets into trouble <strong>by</strong>stealing them?"Mr Hsiang, in a state <strong>of</strong> great perplexity, and fearing tobe led astray a second time <strong>by</strong> Mr Kuo, went <strong>of</strong>f toconsult Tung Kuo, a man <strong>of</strong> learning. Tung Kuo said tohim: “Are you not already a thief in respect <strong>of</strong> your ownbody? You are stealing the harmony <strong>of</strong> the Yin and theYang in order to keep alive and to maintain your bodilyform. How much more, then, are you a thief with regardto external possessions! Assuredly, Heaven and earthcannot be dissociated from the myriad objects <strong>of</strong> Nature.To claim any one <strong>of</strong> these as your own betokensconfusion <strong>of</strong> thought. Mr Kuo's thefts are carried out ina spirit <strong>of</strong> justice, and therefore bring no retribution. Butyour thefts were carried out in a spirit <strong>of</strong> self-seekingand therefore landed you in trouble. Those who takepossession <strong>of</strong> property, whether public or private, arethieves. [2] Those who abstain from taking property,public or private, are also thieves.“For no one can help possessing a body, and no one canhelp acquiring some property or other which cannot begot rid <strong>of</strong> with the best will in the world. Such thefts areunconscious thefts.“<strong>The</strong> great principle <strong>of</strong> Heaven and earth is to treatpublic property as such and private property as such.Knowing this principle, which <strong>of</strong> us is a thief, and at the

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