victorian electric vehicle trial mid-term report - Department of Transport

victorian electric vehicle trial mid-term report - Department of Transport

victorian electric vehicle trial mid-term report - Department of Transport

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7.2 INSIGHTS7.2.1 How do we best tell thestory about <strong>electric</strong> <strong>vehicle</strong>s?A range <strong>of</strong> insights can be drawnfrom the <strong>trial</strong> results that may informcommunication plans relating to<strong>electric</strong> <strong>vehicle</strong> technologies. Keyissues that should be considered incommunicating the ‘EV story’ includeenvironmental bona fides, newtechnology as a defining characteristic,driving enjoyment due to the inherentcharacteristics <strong>of</strong> <strong>electric</strong> motors, andoperating cost benefits expressed infamiliar ways. Challenges include thecomplexity <strong>of</strong> the individual and interrelatedenvironmental and <strong>electric</strong>itysupply stories.Based upon insights gained fromthe <strong>trial</strong>, a range <strong>of</strong> opportunities existto more effectively communicate the‘EV story’:• Technology is clearly a significantreason as to why individuals maybecome initially interested inEVs – ‘interest in new technology’was the primary motivation forhousehold applicants to the <strong>trial</strong>(Section 4.2.1)• The demographic skew towardshigher education for thoseinterested in EVs (Section 4.2.1)may provide some opportunitiesin <strong>term</strong>s <strong>of</strong> communicationspathways – for example,most universities publish anddistribute magazines to alumniand maintain active socialnetworks, and <strong>of</strong>ten have roadsystems on campus that may lendthemselves to test-drive events• Vehicle performance in <strong>term</strong>s<strong>of</strong> acceleration and othercharacteristics that make <strong>electric</strong><strong>vehicle</strong>s fun to drive should be afocus for bringing people acrossto the technology, as has beenevidenced by the results from thetest-drive events undertaken aspart <strong>of</strong> the <strong>trial</strong> (Section 4.2.2)• Environmental benefits as thebasis for brand-building is theprimary reason for fleets tobecome initially interested inEVs (Section 4.3.1), and asignificant motivator forhouseholds also (Section4.2.1). The majority <strong>of</strong> fleetswho applied to participate inthe Victorian Electric VehicleTrial have significant corporatesocial responsibility commitmentsthey believe EVs may visiblydemonstrate• ‘Getting the story straight’ on theenvironmental benefits <strong>of</strong> EVsis a key to avoiding perceptions<strong>of</strong> ‘greenwash’ and gaining a‘social licence’ for EV technologyto operate within the community.Almost without fail at any exhibit<strong>of</strong> the technology, questions havebeen asked about the legitimacy<strong>of</strong> the environmental benefits<strong>of</strong> EVs. This is even more so inVictoria given the state’s widelyacknowledgedcarbon-intensive<strong>electric</strong>ity generation, whichis a key issue that needs to beaddressed as part <strong>of</strong> EV chargingstrategies (Section 6.2)• Operating costs should beexpressed in <strong>term</strong>s <strong>of</strong> dollarsper week or month. Of the107 household participantssurveyed, nearly 65 per centrecorded the existing <strong>vehicle</strong>fuel costs as a weekly expense,while nearly 32 per cent recordedthese costs in monthly <strong>term</strong>s(Section 5.2.5)• Solar PV owners have a goodunderstanding <strong>of</strong> <strong>electric</strong>ity costsand use, including the financialbenefits <strong>of</strong> deferring energy useto <strong>of</strong>f-peak periods, providing apotential avenue for discussion<strong>of</strong> the low operating costs <strong>of</strong>EVs charged in <strong>of</strong>f-peak periods(Section 5.2.4). Solar PV ownersare also an excellent demographicfit for ‘technology/environment’as highlighted above, and sorepresent a likely early marketopportunity for EVs• The first EV drivers are effectively‘ambassadors’ for the technologywho should be provided withrelevant information so as to bewell-informed. This was evidencedby the frequency <strong>of</strong> conversations<strong>report</strong>ed by the <strong>trial</strong> householdparticipants with family, friends,work colleagues and evenstrangers on the topic (referto Section 7.2.2).CREATING A MARKET 123

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