victorian electric vehicle trial mid-term report - Department of Transport

victorian electric vehicle trial mid-term report - Department of Transport

victorian electric vehicle trial mid-term report - Department of Transport

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Very few fleet participants deployed‘network’ charging strategies thatprovided overnight charging optionsoutside <strong>of</strong> the central charginglocation for the <strong>vehicle</strong>. Despite this,the majority <strong>of</strong> the fleet participantcharging has taken place at thebusiness premises during businesshours, effectively reducing the <strong>vehicle</strong>availability for operational duties.This may be explained by thedeployment strategy for the <strong>trial</strong><strong>vehicle</strong>s, which were strongly promotedfor staff to ‘experience’ throughovernight evaluations. While thismay have contributed to the staffenthusiasm for the <strong>vehicle</strong>s <strong>report</strong>edby many fleets, it may have been asignificant contributor to the relativeunder-utilisation <strong>of</strong> the <strong>vehicle</strong>s as wasevidenced by average distance travelled(refer Section 4.3.2).5.3.4 What do fleets think<strong>of</strong> charging?Fleets were generally <strong>of</strong> the view thatfast charging, longer range and/orpublic charging options were neededfor <strong>electric</strong> <strong>vehicle</strong>s to succeed.These responses reflect the assetmanagement challenge for a corporateEV – a <strong>vehicle</strong> that is plugged inand charging is also incurringdepreciation and other standingcosts without providing any benefitto the organisation.Trial fleet participants were alsoresistant to the staff time requiredfor charging management. Ensuringa <strong>vehicle</strong> was plugged in, balancing<strong>vehicle</strong> bookings with chargingrequirements, easily and reliablyknowing what the actual chargelevel was <strong>of</strong> a <strong>vehicle</strong> at any one time– these were issues that persistedfor many fleet operators over theduration <strong>of</strong> their involvement in the<strong>trial</strong> and reduced their acceptance<strong>of</strong> the <strong>vehicle</strong>.These experiences varied between fleetparticipants on account <strong>of</strong> the variationbetween charging service providers,and also due to the deploymentstrategy for the <strong>vehicle</strong>. At least onefleet operator developed an automatedbooking system that took chargingneeds into account, reducing the<strong>vehicle</strong> management overhead for staff.It should also be noted that none <strong>of</strong>the <strong>trial</strong> <strong>vehicle</strong>s and only a smallamount <strong>of</strong> the charging infrastructure/services provided real-time, remotelyaccessibleinformation about thecharging status or level <strong>of</strong> the <strong>vehicle</strong>.These features are available to varyingdegrees on <strong>vehicle</strong>s and charginginfrastructure that are now in theAustralian market.5.3.5 What has beenthe experience <strong>of</strong>workplace charging?Workplace charging for the householdparticipants was a key enabler forincreased utilisation and acceptance<strong>of</strong> the <strong>trial</strong> <strong>vehicle</strong>s. Although the<strong>trial</strong> findings suggest that workplacecharging could significantly enhancethe EV value proposition for would-bebuyers, the case for employers has yetto be substantiated.The average daily <strong>electric</strong> <strong>vehicle</strong>driving distance for the 11 householdswith a workplace charging optionwas 38 kilometres compared to27 kilometres for the 65 non-workplacecharging households. Furthermore,<strong>of</strong> the eight households who hadan average EV driving distance <strong>of</strong>50 kilometres or more, four wereequipped with workplace charging.This indicates that workplace charginghas been a key enabler for increasedutilisation <strong>of</strong> the <strong>trial</strong> <strong>vehicle</strong>s.In addition, discussions with thehousehold participants who hadaccess to workplace chargingdiscerned increased acceptance <strong>of</strong>their EV as a result <strong>of</strong> the workplacecharging option. Many driversdescribed workplace charging ashaving removed the range limitation<strong>of</strong> the <strong>vehicle</strong>, even for relatively longdistance commutes – refer to thebreak-out for a more detailed accountfor one <strong>of</strong> these participants.

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