victorian electric vehicle trial mid-term report - Department of Transport

victorian electric vehicle trial mid-term report - Department of Transport

victorian electric vehicle trial mid-term report - Department of Transport

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4.1.5 What about <strong>electric</strong>commercial <strong>vehicle</strong>s?Electric commercial <strong>vehicle</strong>s are <strong>of</strong>strong interest to many fleet operatorsin Australia, particularly vans and other<strong>vehicle</strong>s at the light-duty end <strong>of</strong> themarket. Supply constraints currentlyinhibit further evaluation <strong>of</strong> the viability<strong>of</strong> these <strong>vehicle</strong>s for Victorian roads.Electric commercial <strong>vehicle</strong>s, such asvans, buses and light and heavy trucks,are already operating on roads aroundthe world with less <strong>of</strong> the fanfare thataccompanies passenger <strong>vehicle</strong>s. Thereduced operating costs and improvedenvironmental performance <strong>of</strong> <strong>electric</strong><strong>vehicle</strong> technology are an attractionfor operators <strong>of</strong> <strong>vehicle</strong>s for whichthe potential savings may greatlyexceed those from passenger <strong>vehicle</strong>s.Additionally, the near-silent operation<strong>of</strong> <strong>electric</strong> <strong>vehicle</strong>s holds potential forfreight sector productivity increasesthrough night-time deliveries innoise-sensitive areas (Freight BestPractice 2009).Extensive investigations by a largeAustralian freight and logisticsoperator identified a number <strong>of</strong>potential EVs available globally forwhich discussions were pursuedfor local import. Although theseinvestigations have been underwaysince the launch <strong>of</strong> the <strong>trial</strong> in 2010,no agreements have been reachedon local supply <strong>of</strong> <strong>vehicle</strong>s.The main issues preventing <strong>vehicle</strong>sfrom being <strong>trial</strong>led locally are:• Relatively small numbers <strong>of</strong><strong>vehicle</strong>s being sought• Australian market entry costs(<strong>vehicle</strong> homologation, serviceand repair etc.)• Technology suitability for theintended service application/operating environment• Price.Separately, investigations into alocal fleet purchasing coalition havediscerned an appetite for <strong>electric</strong> lightcommercial <strong>vehicle</strong>s. Consultation withlocal fleet operators, undertaken bythe consultants Verdant Vision as part<strong>of</strong> a project led by The Climate Groupand sponsored by the Victorian andSouth Australian Governments, foundmany fleets to be interested in <strong>trial</strong>ling<strong>electric</strong> vans and other commercial<strong>vehicle</strong>s. However, relatively few<strong>vehicle</strong>s are being sought by theoperators, which may not provide thecritical mass required for the supplyconstraint to be addressed. The final<strong>report</strong> from this project is expected forrelease in early 2013.Electric buses are already operatingon Victorian roads as charter <strong>vehicle</strong>s(Crown 2012). Assessment <strong>of</strong> <strong>electric</strong>bus technology was included as part<strong>of</strong> a wider investigation into alternativefuel and <strong>vehicle</strong> technologies for thebus industry (DOT 2012b). Indicationsfrom this and more recent analysissuggest that the long charging timesfor the <strong>vehicle</strong>s and high purchaseprices make them best suited to lightduties with high promotional value.4.2 HOUSEHOLD VEHICLEROLL-OUT4.2.1 Who’s interested in<strong>electric</strong> <strong>vehicle</strong>s and why?In general, would-be Victorian EVdrivers are strongly interested innew technology and environmentallyaware. They are also highly educatedrelative to the general population.Although the spatial distribution <strong>of</strong>EV enthusiasts was fairly flat, therewere notable ‘hot-spots’ aroundthe <strong>mid</strong>dle suburbs in Melbourne’ssoutheast and the outer suburbsin both the west and southeast.A household application to participateand survey process was run inpartnership with RACV in November/December <strong>of</strong> both 2010 and 2011(DOT 2010d and 2012c). Applicantswere requested to complete a 15minute questionnaire that soughtinformation not only to guide theparticipant selection process, butalso to inform the understanding<strong>of</strong> the potential <strong>electric</strong> <strong>vehicle</strong>market in Victoria.CREATING A MARKET 33

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