victorian electric vehicle trial mid-term report - Department of Transport

victorian electric vehicle trial mid-term report - Department of Transport

victorian electric vehicle trial mid-term report - Department of Transport

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The Energy NetworksAssociation (ENA)appreciates the opportunityto have participated in theVictorian Electric VehicleTrial and has been pleasedwith the results to date. Inparticular, our objectives togain, through participation,a clearer understanding<strong>of</strong> the implications <strong>of</strong> andopportunities from theintroduction <strong>of</strong> <strong>electric</strong><strong>vehicle</strong>s for energy networkshave been largely satisfied.We applaud the VictorianGovernment’s initiativein committing fundingand resources to the <strong>trial</strong>and believe that <strong>electric</strong><strong>vehicle</strong>s have a definite andimportant role in Victoria’stransport andenergy future.Energy Networks Association,8 November 20125.3 FLEET AND WORKPLACECHARGING5.3.1 How much does charginginfrastructure for corporateapplications cost?At around $5,000, charging outlet costsare generally higher than for homecharging due to the preference forincreased functionality and durability.Average charging circuit costs <strong>of</strong>around $2,200 are also slightly higherdue to the increased separationbetween parking locations and points<strong>of</strong> <strong>electric</strong>al supply. However, manyfleets have implemented lower costsolutions drawing upon existinginfrastructure and their own<strong>electric</strong>al tradespeople.Similar to home charging solutions, theentry-level 15A GPO <strong>electric</strong>al outletis likely to cost around $100. Howeverfor most fleets there is a preferencetowards devices with enhanced safety,security and data capture. Based uponthe <strong>trial</strong> experience this translatesto around $4,000-$6,000 for a fairlysophisticated charging outlet, althoughprices are likely to have fallen dueto market competition, economies<strong>of</strong> scale and design/manufacturingprocess improvements.The charging circuit was generallyinstalled at the cost <strong>of</strong> the fleetoperator, ensuring strong interest inidentifying least cost solutions. For thisreason many fleets elected to installthe charging circuit themselves usingexisting infrastructure and/or their own<strong>electric</strong>al tradespeople. A consequence<strong>of</strong> this is a reduction in the cost dataobtained for analysis relative to thesites installed.With reference to Table 12, the averagecost <strong>of</strong> the charging circuit was foundto be slightly higher than for homecharging at around $2,200. While thedifference between the average figuressits well within the standard deviationfor both sets <strong>of</strong> data, there is a $500difference in the median values whichreflects the generally shorter distancethat home charging circuits have totravel between the point <strong>of</strong> <strong>electric</strong>alsupply and the parking/charginglocation. It should be noted that due tothere being more control <strong>of</strong> the designsolution with owner-occupied sites,the missing data from the sites wherethe charging circuit was installed bythe fleet operator is likely to be biasedtowards lower cost solutions.No.INSTALLATIONS14AVERAGE COST $ 2,152MEDIAN COST $ 1,910STD DEV $ 1,279MAX $ 4,382MIN $ 550Table 12. Cost benchmarking <strong>of</strong> the <strong>trial</strong>fleet charging circuits.As for the home charging solutions,sites which necessitated more complexsolutions such as free-standing unitshad the potential to greatly increasecosts. In most cases lower costsolutions were able to be identified,however this <strong>of</strong>ten greatly extendedthe leadtime for the installation oreven resulted in a different sitealtogether serving as the charginglocation for the <strong>vehicle</strong>.

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