2006 Conference Program - Midwest Political Science Association

2006 Conference Program - Midwest Political Science Association

2006 Conference Program - Midwest Political Science Association


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PaperPaperDisc.predictions concerning legal trade to make inferences aboutsmugglingWhen and Why Change the Rules? Global TelecomReforms in Recent YearsKirsten Rodine Hardy, Brown UniversityOverview: This paper asks when and why over 129 countriesenacted liberal telecom reform in recent years. Using a Weibullmultivariate hazard model, this chapter analyzes the timing ofreform in 184 countries from 1975-2001.The Global Battle Over the MultiFiber AgreementAnastasia Xenias, Columbia UniversityOverview: The end of the Multi-Fiber Agreement in January2005 which regulated the world textile and apparel tradethrough a multilateral system of quotas, produced one of thetoughest and broadest trade policy battles in recent history,which still rages on.Alexandra G. Guisinger, University of Notre Dame12-203 INFORMAL ROUNDTABLE: GLOBALTRADERoom TBA, Sat 8:30 amPresenter Preferential Trade Agreements: Legalism and TradeCandace Miller, University of ArizonaOverview: The use of preferential trade agreements often failsto account for institutional differences between agreements,instead treating them as dichotomous variables. This paperattempts to explain one of the aspects of institutional difference,legalismPresenter The U.S. as a Global Consumer: Providing a Global PublicGood?Tina F. Mueller, University of Nebraska, LincolnDan B. Braaten, University of Nebraska, LincolnOverview: This paper offers an alternative approach to thebalance of payments debate by analyzing the US trade deficitwithin a global public goods framework. This broadens thedebate and begs for a more international approach on behalf ofUS policymakers.13-8 THE MIDDLE EAST AND INTERNATIONALPOLITICSRoomChairPaperPaperPaperPaperDisc.TBA, Sat 8:30 amNehemia Geva, Texas A&M UniversityPakistan’s Conflict Behavior and Implications forDemocratic Peace TheoryHassan Bashir, Texas A&M UniversityOverview: Kargil conflict between Pakistan and India is perhapsthe only known anamoly to the Democratic Peace theory. Thispaper analyzes Pakistan's Conflict behavior since independanceand its implications for the Democratic Peace argument.Satellite TV and Radio Transmission in DemocracyPromotion: The Case of IranSoleiman Kiasatpour, Western Kentucky UniversityIan C. Nash, Western Kentucky UniversityOverview: This paper surveys the role and effects of satelliteTV and radio programming in democracy promotion in the caseof Iran. Both US and private party broadcasts are analyzed toevaluate these effects on democracy promotion in general.Identity and Arab Public Opinion on Foreign RelationsRussell E. Lucas, University of OklahomaPeter A. Furia, Wake Forest UniversityOverview: Using survey data from seven different Arabsocieties we test the relationships between attitudes towardsnon-Arab countries and attitudes on Palestine and Iraq, variouscompeting identity frames, and demographic characteristics.The Role of Islam in International Politics: New PotentialsMohammad A. Tabaar, Georgetown UniversityOverview: Many IR scholars believe that Islamicfundamentalism is on the rise. While this has been true in thepast it may not necessarily be the case in the future. There arenew trends in the Islamic world that support a limited role forreligion in politics.Nehemia Geva, Texas A&M UniversityRibhi I. Salhi, Roosevelt University14-8 SECURITY CHALLENGES IN THE POST9/11 ERARoomChairPaperPaperPaperPaperPaperDisc.TBA, Sat 8:30 amJacob English, Marquette UniversityFrom Acquisition to Use: Why Terrorists Will Not Attackwith Nuclear WeaponsChristopher B. McIntosh, University of ChicagoIan Storey, University of ChicagoOverview: Conventional wisdom and US foreign policy areanimated by the fear of a nuclear terrorist attack on the UShomeland.Global Terrorism and Western Agendas; the ConvergencestheDivergencesVisne Korkmaz, Yildiz Technical UniversityOverview: This paper is focusing on the question; where doesthe West stand in the fight against terrorism?The Threat of Terrorism and the Challenge of Non-ComplianceRabia Akhtar, Fatima Jinnah Women UniversityOverview: The multilateral nonproliferation regimes have comeunder direct threat posed by terrorism after 9/11. This researchseeks to identify the causes of non-compliance by the signatorystates and the challenge posed on the credibility of theseregimes.The Utility of Nuclear Deterrence Against Terrorists andRogue StatesLisa Saum, University of California, Los AngelesOverview: The study readjusts classic nuclear deterrence tocombat rogue states and terrorist organizations. It recommendsusing a graduated threat spectrum chart, allowing policymakersto visualize and determine the degree of threat posed by suchactors.Jordan's Security Dilemma and the Use of Military ToolsAnouar Boukhars, Wilberforce UniversityOverview: Jordan's security dilemma won't be alleviatedthrough the use of military tools. To prevail it must adopt amulti-dimensional security policy that promotes the values ofprevention, accountability, political participation and rule oflaw.Andrada Irina S. Costoiu, University of Illinois, Chicago15-4 CIVIL WARS AND STATE REPRESSIONRoomChairPaperPaperPaperPaperTBA, Sat 8:30 amRavi Bhavnani, Michigan State UniversityInterstate Signals, Intervention and Civil War DurationClayton L. Thyne, University of IowaOverview: This paper examines how 3rd party interventionsaffect the duration of civil war. I argue that interventions thattake place during a civil war can only be understood in thecontext of pre-war signals sent by the potential interveners.Why the Heavens Did Not Darken: or Why Vietnam DidNot Become Another Asian Killing FieldMaureen S. Hiebert, University of TorontoOverview: An exploration of why Vietnam did not experiencegenocide and Cambodia did following the end of the Indochinawars in 1975 emphasizing the importance of political culture,elite interpretations of crisis, and the construction of victimgroup.Democratic Attitudes and Civil War: Testing the Micro-Foundations of the Democratic Peace in Sri LankaWilliam Mishler, University of ArizonaSteven Finkel, University of PittsburghOverview: This paper uses survey data to examine the impact ofdemocratic values on public attitudes about war and peace in SriLanka's Civil War. It contributes both to our understanding ofcivil war and the domestic limits of the democratic peace.Bullets Before Ballots: Understanding the CoerciveFoundations of <strong>Political</strong> DemocracyChristian Davenport, University of Maryland, College ParkClaudia Dahlerus, Albion CollegeOverview: We consider the impact of state repression on regimechange and examine its influence using a vector autoregressionmodel. This allows us to assess the importance of repression and191

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