2006 Conference Program - Midwest Political Science Association

2006 Conference Program - Midwest Political Science Association

2006 Conference Program - Midwest Political Science Association


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PaperPaperDisc.Descriptive and Substantive Representation in Community-Based <strong>Association</strong>sKyu-Nahm Jun, University of Southern CaliforniaOverview: This paper analyzed the democratic legitimacy ofplace-based associations by their representativeness.Relationship between descriptive and substantive representationand the existence of neighborhood effect on issue representationare studied.Symbolic Representation in the Bureaucracy, The Case ofLaw EnforcementNick A. Theobald, University of KansasDonald P. Haider-Markel, University of KansasOverview: This paper looks at the effect of symbolicrepresentation by bureaucracies. Specifically, we study how theinteraction of race between police officers and drivers affectsdrivers' perception of legitimacy regarding police actions.Lael R. Keiser, University of Missouri, Columbia43-12 THE STATE OF AVIATION SECURITY INTHE UNITED STATESRoomChairPaperPaperPaperPaperDisc.TBA, Sat 10:30 amJohn A. Hamman, Southern Illinois University,CarbondaleThe Threat of Nuclear Attack from Russian StockpilesAgainst Civil AviationKathleen M. Sweet, Southern Illinois University, CarbondaleOverview: This paper seeks to analyze the threat from theRussian stockpile and consider its subsequent impact onaviation should a nuclear device be targeted against civilaviation.Cost Benefit Analysis of New Security Technologies in USAirportsJulie Raines, Southern Illinois University, CarbondaleKimberly Nelson, Southern Illinois University, CarbondaleOverview: This article seeks to apply cost-benefit analysis thatincludes consideration of intangible costs to the implementationof new security technologies in domestic commercial airports.Aviation Security after September 11: Safety Sine Qua Non?Bassel El-Kasaby, University of NebraskaOverview: The main goal of this paper is to put into perspectivethe importance of constitutionally protected civil rights whensecurity issues are in the balance.Hijacking Agencies and Airplanes, FAA, "AgencyCapture," Airline SecurityMark Niles, American UniversityOverview: This Article will analyze the allegation that the FAAhas been "captured" by airline industry interests.John A. Hamman, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale44-10 REPRESSION, PREDATION, ANDREGULATORY ORIGINS:INTERROGATING THE AMERICAN STATERoomChairPaperPaperTBA, Sat 10:30 amJoseph E. Luders, Yeshiva UniversityOn the American Origins of the Democratic RegulatoryStateSamuel J. DeCanio, The Ohio State UniversityOverview: We examine why agrarians reversed their Jacksoniancommitments to laissez faire to support countercyclical federalregulatory operations. We argue this reversal was caused byelected officials’ manipulation of public opinion.Liberalism, Lynching and Constitutional Anarchy: HowFederalism Coped with the Southern Question, 1883-1938Daniel Kato, New School for Social ResearchOverview: What kind of political system existed duringlynching? Contra the weak state thesis, I will argue that the U.S.chose not to deal with lynching. Using Ernst Fraenkel's dualstate model, I will argue that this period was one ofconstitutional anarchy.PaperDisc.American Statebuilding: Lipset's Thesis of a StatelessAmerica and the Reality of a Predatory StateJeffrey W. Meiser, Johns Hopkins UniversityRichard P. Young, Seattle UniversityOverview: American political development during republic’sfirst half-century was driven largely by state action. Anapplication of state theory and plural society theory explain thisreality.Joseph E. Luders, Yeshiva University44-11 WAR, POLICING AND AMERICANPOLITICAL DEVELOPMENTRoomChairPaperPaperDisc.TBA, Sat 10:30 amBartholomew Sparrow, University of Texas, AustinThe Impact of the Spanish-American War on RepublicanParty IdeologyJohn W. Compton, University of California, Los AngelesOverview: This paper examines the Republican party's shiftfrom a rhetoric emphasizing commercial expansion to a rhetoricemphasizing humanitarian mission. I argue that this shift had itsorigins in a series of political and institutional factors.Slavery, Internal Improvements, and the Development ofPolice PowersDaniel Mulcare, Temple UniversityOverview: In this paper, I explore the Antebellum debatesconcerning federal powers over property, slavery, and internalimprovements, examining how they influenced the developmentof eminent domain and state police powers.Bartholomew Sparrow, University of Texas, Austin46-7 HARRY POTTER, MICHAEL MOORE, ANDTHE 9/11 COMMISSIONRoomChairPaperPaperDisc.TBA, Sat 10:30 amBarry Eidlin, University of California, BerkeleySinners in the Hands of Two Angry White Men: MichaelMoore and Bill O’Reilly as Modern JeremiahsMark S. Jendrysik, University of North DakotaOverview: Moore and O’Reilly’s work gives insight into therhetoric style and goals of the modern jeremiad. My analysisreveals the political problems faced by this form of discourse incontemporary America.Harry Potter and The Inevitability of ClassMargaret M. Young, Albion CollegeMurray W. Young, Lambton Kent District School BoardOverview: This paper examines the first four Harry Potterbooks, focusing on two things: that Rowling's universe requiresan essentialist hierarchy in order to function and that thisnecessity is portrayed as an inevitability, rather than a tragedy.Andrew T. Dilts, University of Chicago47-4 RELIGION AND PUBLIC OPINION INNORTH AMERICA (Co-sponsored with PublicOpinion, see 22-21)RoomChairPaperPaperTBA, Sat 10:30 amNathan N. Zook, University of Wisconsin, Rock CountyPublic Perception of the Proper Role of Religion in PoliticsPatricia Freeland, University of TennesseeDavid Houston, University of TennesseeOverview: The rise of the Christian right has dramaticallyincreased debate regarding the proper role religion should playin the public square. Most of the discussion has come frompopular commentators and political philosophers who commenton whether or notWhat Would Jesus Tax?David L. Madland, Georgetown UniversityOverview: Some people argue that the free-market is part ofGod’s plan; others assert that God supports governmentredistribution. This paper develops and tests a religious attitudemodel to explain these differences.215

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