2006 Conference Program - Midwest Political Science Association

2006 Conference Program - Midwest Political Science Association

2006 Conference Program - Midwest Political Science Association


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PaperPaperDisc.Micro-Level Determinants of Democratic CooperationCalvin J. Mouw, University of Illinois, SpringfieldOverview: This paper examines the relative effect ofperformance-based evaluations and idea or policy-basedsentiments on individual citizen commitment to party systempolitics.Transitions to Democracy in Pre-State ConditionsAviad Rubin, McGill UniversityOverview: The paper compares democratic transitions in Israeland Palestine pre-independence and account for the differentoutcomes based on 4 variables: elite formation; Exposure todemocratic values; Level of coercive capabilities; Diaspora’sinfluence.TBA4-17 TESTING THE LINKAGES BETWEENISLAM AND DEMOCRACYRoomChairPaperPaperDisc.TBA, Sun 8:30 amTimothy J. Schorn, University of South DakotaIslamist Participation in Democratic Processes: The FaceBehind the Mask or the Mask Becoming the Face?Jocelyn S. Weiner, Georgetown UniversityOverview: This paper explores whether and how Islamists canbe included in participatory politics, and to what extent thisparticipation will lead to increased moderation and compromisein the Islamists' political platforms and intrinsic support fordemocracy.Intermestic Strategies for Democratization and the Rise ofIslamism in the Arab World: The Case of MoroccoAicha Lahlou, University of HoustonOverview: What impact does international pressure have onIslamism? What is the impact of both trends ondemocratization?Mohamed A. Berween, Texas A&M International University5-15 POLICY MAKING IN EUROPERoomChairPaperPaperPaperPaperDisc.TBA, Sun 8:30 amJosephine E. Squires, Fort Hays State UniversityAlcohol Control Policy in the European UnionPamela Camerra-Rowe, Kenyon CollegeOverview: This paper examines the way in which marketliberalization has affected the debate over alcohol control policyin the European Union and explores the relative effectiveness ofindustry and non-producer groups in this regulatory debate.Ethnic Mobilization and Policy Making in East-CentralEuropean StatesJennifer L. Oetken, Indiana University, BloomingtonOverview: What role have ethnic minorities played in thecreation of new policies and state behavior in East-CentralEurope? This paper argues that ethnic groups promptedEuropean institutions to apply pressures on states to changetheir domestic policies.Emerging Fundamental Rights of the Family in the ECJGalya B. Ruffer, DePaul UniversityOverview: The control of immigration in the EU must contendwith the complexity of legal relationships in the evolving neoliberaleconomic order. This paper examines the recent trend inthe ECJ to protect family rights as “fundamental.”Trafficking in Women: A Case Study of Latvia and theEuropean UnionJohn R. Wallenfang, Illinois State UniversityOverview: Examination of European Union and Latvian lawsand policies that address trafficking in women.Josephine E. Squires, Fort Hays State University7-11 TOWARD THE CONSTRUCTION OF ANINDEPENDENT JUDICIARY: JUDICIALREFORM IN LATIN AMERICARoomChairPaperPaperPaperPaperDisc.TBA, Sun 8:30 amEduardo L. Leoni, Columbia UniversitySocial Law and Judicial Subordination in the MexicanRevolution, 1917-1928Timothy M. James, University of ChicagoOverview: This paper explores the judicial politics around theimplementation of Mexico's nascent social law in favor ofworkers and peasants and its relation to a subordinated andsubservient judiciary in the 20th century.The Relation Between "Law" and "Reality" RegardingJudicial Independence in Latin AmericaJulio Rios-Figueroa, New York UniversityAndrea Pozas-Loyo, New York UniversityOverview: Under what conditions should we expect a gapbetween de jure and de facto judicial independence? When arejudicial systems that is more dependent in "reality" than in"law" and vice versa? We address these questions theoreticallyand emprically.Judicial Reforms, Policy-Making Processes and PublicPolicy in Latin AmericaMariana M. Sousa, University of Notre DameOverview: TBADeterminants of Judicial Reform in New Democracies:Lessons From BrazilRodrigo M. Nunes, University of Texas, AustinOverview: Judicial reform is promoted by internationalorganizations and outgoing politicians seeking insurance, butultimately processes of reform are driven by attempts to addressthe unexpected institutional effects that courts have had on newdemocracies.Gretchen Helmke, University of RochesterSilvia Inclan, UNAM8-13 INVESTMENT AND POLITICS IN EASTAND SOUTHEAST ASIARoomChairPaperPaperPaperPaperDisc.TBA, Sun 8:30 amXia L. Lollar, University of Wisconsin, WhitewaterUnderstanding the Role of China's SEZ: The Case of Fiat'sExpansionEdward Petronzio, Miami UniversityOverview: This paper examines the evolution of China's SEZpolicy and a case study of Fiat, the Italian auto maker that hasestablished a significant presence in China's SEZ.The New Juche and the Economic Unification of the KoreanPeninsulaDonald F. Williamson, II, Southern Illinois University,CarbondaleOverview: Economic unification of the Korean peninsula wouldrevitalize the North Korea economy and help South Koreaobtain the goal of becoming the economic hub of East Asia. Thereconnection of the Korean rail systems would benefit the EastAsian region.Energy Cooperation in Asia--From Impediments toBo Kong, Johns Hopkins School of Advanced InternationalStudiesOverview: This paper will examine reasons why there lacksenergy cooperation in Asia despite its potential benefits toeconomies in the region and explores whether the status quowill change against the increasing integration in the region.Southeast Asia and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in1990sAticha Suebsawangkul, University of Missouri, St. LouisOverview: A pattern of FDI inflow of Southeast Asia is highlyconditioned by the region's relations with the rest of the world.Technology, China, and regional problem contribute to adecrease of FDI inflow in Southeast Asian countries in 1990s.Xia L. Lollar, University of Wisconsin, Whitewater250

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