2006 Conference Program - Midwest Political Science Association

2006 Conference Program - Midwest Political Science Association

2006 Conference Program - Midwest Political Science Association


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52-3 SOCIAL POLICIES: CHALLENGES ANDRESPONSESRoomChairPaperPaperPaperPaperDisc.TBA, Sat 1:45 pmTrudy Steuernagel, Kent State UniversitySelf Interest Rightly Understood: Social Capital andSchoolingSoren Serritzlew, University of Aarhus, DenmarkGert Svendsen, University of Aarhus, DenmarkOverview: We offer 3 hypotheses about training, selection andcorruption on how schooling contributes to social capital. Thisis investigated by the use of theory in relation to our new socialcapital database covering 21 countries and 25,000 respondents.Determinants of Public Support for Regulation:A Look atHealth Care ReformEileen Braman, Indiana University, BloomingtonMichael J. Ensley, Indiana University, BloomingtonOverview: We look at support for government intervention inhealth care. The influences of (1) ideology (2) self-interest (3)institutional orientation (4) perceptions of societal harm and (5)political entrepreneurship are tested using individual level data.Prohibition and Progressivism, or Punctuated Equilibrium?Mark L. Schrad, University of Wisconsin, MadisonOverview: Punctuated equilibrium and serial informationprocessing models lend new insight into the politics of alcoholprohibition in the US, and buttress new process models ofinstitutional decisionmaking that are both longitudinal andcomparative.Comparative Policy Entrepreneurship: The Case of AutismRelated Policy in North AmericaDana L. Baker, Washington State UniversityTrudy Steuernagel , Kent State UniversityOverview: Explores how the structure of government andtraditions of governance affect successful policyentrepreneurship by comparing the emergence of policyentrepreneurs surrounding autism in Canada and the UnitedStates.Lisa J. Dotterweich, Kent State University57-3 LEADERSHIP THEORY: INSIGHTS FROMPOLITICAL THEORY AND LITERATURERoomChairPaperPaperPaperDisc.TBA, Sat 1:45 pmNathan W. Harter, Purdue UniversityLeadership in the Change Process of GramsciNathan W. Harter, Purdue UniversityOverview: Gramsci described leadership roles in the socialchange process, with distinct functions in the forming of cadresto establish hegemony. His observations on the leadership ofcadres have yet to become part of the mainstream literature onleadership.Understanding Global Leadership: Insights from VaclavHavel and Martha NussbaumHeather McDougall, Indiana University, BloomingtonOverview: In his 2004 book, James MacGregor Burns calls for“global leadership.” What is global leadership? Utilizing theworks of Vaclav Havel and Martha Nussbaum, I argue that inorder to be a leader in the global community, individuals needto recognize their responsibility to communities beyond thelocal or national level.The Play's the Thing: Leadership, Literature, and'maginative UnderstandingMichael Harvey, Washington CollegeOverview: Vivid stories, both ancient and modern, dramatizethe problems that leaders and followers confront, helpingstudents and scholars develop an imaginative understanding ofthe nature and circumstances of leadership.Thad M. Williamson, University of Richmond58-301 POSTER SESSION: UNDERGRADUATERESEARCH IPresenter The Historical Role of the International Court of Justice andthe Need for Universal Compulsory JurisdictionRoom TBA, Board 10, Sat 1:45 pmAdam S Moore, Northern Kentucky UniversityOverview: I will look at the historical role of the InternationalCourt of Justice and point out some prominent cases thatillustrate both its successes and failures. Additionally, I willdiscuss the need for the ICJ to have universal compulsoryjurisdiction.Presenter The Bush Doctrine and The American Quest for GlobalHegemonyRoom TBA, Board 11, Sat 1:45 pmMichael-Lee O Brockhouse, Central Missouri State UniversityOverview: A comparative analysis of the National SecurityStrategy of the United States of America, set fourth onSeptember 20, 2002.Presenter Youth Turnout and Voting in Presidential Elections, 1972-2000Room TBA, Board 12, Sat 1:45 pmMatthew B Incantalupo, University of MiamiOverview: This paper is an analysis of youth turnout and votingbehavior in presidential elections following the Twenty-sixthAmendment to the U.S. Constitution. It finds that much of theconventional wisdom surrounding youth voters is largelymisguided.Presenter The Presidential Nomination Process and DistributivePolitics: 1984 - 2000Room TBA, Board 13, Sat 1:45 pmMicah Sucherman, University of Colorado, BoulderOverview: In recent presidential nomination cycles, state partieshave jockeyed for earlier positions in the primary and caucuscalendar. This study seeks to determine if and to what degreethis process has implications for the distribution of federal fundsto states.Presenter A Comparative Study of Immigration in France andGermanyRoom TBA, Board 14, Sat 1:45 pmHelen Huggins, Valparaiso UniversityOverview: Tensions towards immigrants, especially Muslims, inhave become a top issue in recent months. Germany and Franceboth have significant Muslim populations and face similarfutures. Their paths to integration have been different, but theresults have been increasingly similar.Presenter Hamilton and Madison: from Collaboration to OppositionRoom TBA, Board 15, Sat 1:45 pmShannon L Burgess, Northern Illinois UniversityOverview: This paper examines the political positions ofAlexander Hamilton and James Madison in the 1780s and1790s. It explains how the two collaborated on the Constitutionand Federalist Papers, but later became the leaders of opposingpolitical parties.Presenter From Delgamuukw to Kaadan - Indigenous Communities,Nation-States and LawRoom TBA, Board 16, Sat 1:45 pmValery Kisilevsky, University of TorontoOverview: A comparative study combining the theories ofBarzilai (2003) and Hirschl (2004) finds similarities in the legaland political status of Aboriginal Canadians and Israeli Arab-Palestinians, especially with regard to land resources access andcontrol.Presenter The Determinants of Trade-Policy Preferences inRoomDeveloping Countries: The Case of MalaysiaTBA, Board 17, Sat 1:45 pmMegan N Westrum, University of Notre DameOverview: This paper centers on an empirical test of theRicardo-Viner and Stolper-Samuelson models in developingcountries using Malaysia as a test case. The analysis uses theauthor’s survey data complemented by personal interviews withMalaysian officials, academics, and business people.232

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