2006 Conference Program - Midwest Political Science Association

2006 Conference Program - Midwest Political Science Association

2006 Conference Program - Midwest Political Science Association


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PaperPaperDisc.124An Experimental Study of the Influence of Precedent onViews of Legitimacy of Supreme Court DecisionsJames F. Spriggs, University of California, DavisJohn T. Scott, University of California, DavisJames R. Zink, University of California, DavisOverview: We use an experimental design to isolate the use ofprecedent in a judicial decision and determine its influence onthe degree to which a respondent agrees with the court decision.Separation of Powers and Judicial Legitimacy in LatinAmericanLee D. Walker, University of KentuckyOverview: This article examines directly the effect ofpresidential domination of the judiciary on citizens' attitudestoward the legitimacy of the judiciary using survey data in 5Latin American countries.Thomas G. Hansford, University of South Carolina38-11 CITIZENS MAKING POLICYRoomChairPaperPaperPaperPaperPaperDisc.TBA, Thur 3:45 pmE. L. Bernick, University of Nevada, Las VegasSame-Sex Marriage and State Ballot PropositionsArnold Fleischmann, University of GeorgiaLaura Moyer, University of GeorgiaOverview: This paper uses county-level data to analyze theresults of statewide referenda on same-sex marriage in 2004.Direct Democracy and Minority Rights: Gay Marriage Bansin the U.S. StatesDaniel C. Lewis, Michigan State UniversityOverview: This paper examines whether direct democracyincreases the probability of states' enacting measures whichrestrict minority rights. The question is addressed with ananalysis of the recent spate of gay marriage bans passed in theAmerican states.The Effects of Nonpartisan Redistricting Boards andCommissions on Competition in Congressional ElectionsJames B. Cottrill, Santa Clara UniversityOverview: This paper tests the claim that nonpartisanredistricting commissions increase competitiveness incongressional elections. Electoral data from 1972-2004 suggeststhat competition may indeed be enhanced through stateredistricting reform efforts.Analyzing the Impact of the Citizen Initiative on State FiscalPolicyMichael J. New, University of AlabamaOverview: A number of academic studies have found that stateswith the citizen initiative have lower taxes and less spendingthan other states. However, the academic literature has spentlittle time examining why this is the case.Term-Limits Induced Volatility in the Partisan Compositionof State LegislaturesRichard J. Powell, University of MaineOverview: “Term-Limits Induced Volatility in the PartisanComposition of State Legislatures”Justin H. Phillips, Columbia UniversityJohn A. Grummel, West Virginia State University38-101 ROUNDTABLE: INTERGOVERNMENTALCOORDINATION AND FEMA--POST-KATRINA: THE GOOD, THE BAD, ANDTHE UGLYRoomChairPanelistTBA, Thur 3:45 pmJ. Edwin Benton, University of South FloridaSaundra K. Schneider, Michigan State UniversityAnne Khademian, Virginia Polytechnical and State UniversityNelson Wikstrom, Virginia Commonwealth UniversityDeil S. Wright, University of North Carolina, Chapel HillDonald F. Kettl, University of PennslyvaniaOverview: This roundtable takes a critical scholarly andpractitioner look at the intergovernmental coordinationchallenges inherent in disaster preparation and relief. Areintergovernmental efforts doomed in light of the federalconfiguration of government, political turf wars, andself-serving dispositions of government bureaucrats?Discussion of these issues will be the focal point of thisroundtable.39-3 HOUSING PRICES AND LOCAL HOUSINGPOLICYRoomChairPaperPaperPaperDisc.TBA, Thur 3:45 pmTBARevitalizing NeighborhoodsMarilyn Dantico, Arizona State UniversityAlvin Mushkatel, Arizona State UniversityOverview: This paper looks at housing quality and other data toassess effects of comprehensive neighborhood initiatives inPhoenix, AZ.Homeowner and Neighborhood <strong>Association</strong> Influences onHousing PricesCharles Barrilleaux, Florida State UniversityTom Carsey, Florida State UniversityDaniel Scheller, Florida State UniversityOverview: We estimate the effects of neighborhoodcharacteristics, including governance provisions inneighborhood and homeowner association charters, on housingprices in a hedonic model.The Bonus of Affordable Housing: Analyzing California’sHousing Density Bonus LawJeffrey B. McLaughlin, University of California, RiversideMax Neiman, University of California, RiversideOverview: Our hypothesis is that administrative weaknesses inCalifornia state law have allowed localities to selectivelyimplement development policies that stress tax revenue streamsover policies that benefit housing for low to moderate incomeresidents.TBA40-2 AGENDA SETTING AND POLICY:CELEBRITIES, ENTREPRENEURS ANDORGANIZATIONSRoomChairPaperPaperPaperPaperPaperDisc.TBA, Thur 3:45 pmJeffrey S. Worsham, West Virginia UniversityWhat Has Jerry Lewis Wrought? An Analysis of the Role ofCelebrity in Agenda SettingIrene J. Barnett, Kent State UniversityTrudy Steuernagel, Kent State UniversityOverview: This paper aims to analyze the role of celebrity inagenda setting. Building on the theoretical model of Kingdon(1995), we propose to examine the role of celebrities in puttingtwo conditions, autism and Alzheimer’s, on the public agenda.Balancing Morality and Economy: The Case of StateHuman Cloning PoliciesBonnie Stabile, George Mason UniversityOverview: This paper investigates the question of which forceswithin individual states contribute most significantly to gettinghuman cloning on the legislative agenda and shaping anysubsequent policies.Federal-State <strong>Political</strong> Institutions and the NEA’s PolicyEntrepreneurshipGordon Shockley, Florida International UniversityOverview: The political institution of the federal-statepartnership in government support for the arts had developed tosuch an extent in the 1990s that it could provide crucialinstitutional support and set the backdrop for the NEA’s policyentrepreneurship.The Dynamics of Education Policy Agenda Setting: TheCase of School ChoiceMyung H. Jin, Florida State UniversityOverview: In the case of school choice, Kingdon's threestreams may have been necessary, but probably was notsufficient for the reform to reach the agenda. There had to be apre-existing institutional capacity that underpinned the efforts ofreformersAn Application of Punctuated Equilibrium TheoryNikkiter Ha-Kwan Chan, University of Hong KongOverview: TBAJeffrey S. Worsham, West Virginia University

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