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Free download from www.hsrcpress.ac.zaHAGSTROM, W.O.1965. The scientific community. New York: Basic Books.HAKIM, C. 1982. Secondary analysis in social research. London: Allen & Unwin.HATCHET, S. & SCHUMAN, H. 1975. White respondents and race of interviewes effects. Public OpinionQuarterly 39: 523-528.HEMPEL, C.G. 1958. The theoretician’s dilemma: a study in the logic of theory construction. In: HempelC.G. 1965. Aspects of scientific explanation. New York: The Free <strong>Press</strong>. Pp. 173-226.HEMPEL, C.G. 1965. Aspects of scientific explanation. New York: The Free <strong>Press</strong>.HENERSON, M.E. 1978. How to measure attitudes. Beverley Hills: Sage.HIMES, J.S. 1980. Conflict and conflict management. Athens, Georgia: Univ. of Georgia <strong>Press</strong>.HOLDOWAY, S. 1982. An inside job; a case study of covert research on the police. In: Bulmer, M. (ed.)Social research ethics. London: MacMillan. Pp. 59-79.HOLLIS, M.& LUKES, S. (eds.)1983. Rationality and relativism. Cambridge: MIT <strong>Press</strong>.HOLSTI, O.R. 1962. Content analysis for the social sciences and humanities. Reading: Addision-Wesley.HUGHES, J.1980. The philosophy of social research. London: Longman.HYMAN, H.H. 1954. Interviewing in social research. Chicago: The University of Chicago <strong>Press</strong>.JOHNSON, J.M. 1975. Doing field research. New York: The Free <strong>Press</strong>.KAPLAN, A. 1964. The conduct of inquiry. San Francisco: Chandler Publ. Co.KAUFMAN, F. 1944. Methodology of the social sciences. New Jersey: Humanities <strong>Press</strong>.KAZDIN, A.E. 1980. Research design in clinical psychology. New York: Harper & Row.KEAT, R. & URRY, J. 1975. Social theory as science. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.KEKES, J. 1976. Justification of rationality. New York: SUNY <strong>Press</strong>.KENISTON, K. 1960. Alienation and the decline of utopia. The American Scholar 29:163-168.KEPPEL, G. 1973. Design and analysis: a researcher’s handbook. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall.KERLINGER, F. 1973. Foundations of behavioral research. Second edition. New York: Holt Rinehart &Winston.KNORR-CETINA, K.D. 1981. The manufacture of knowledge. Oxford: Pergamon <strong>Press</strong>.KOLSON, K.L. & GREEN, J.J. 1970. Response set bias and political socialization research. Social ScienceQuarterly 51: 527-538.KONINGSVELD, H. 1980. Het verschijnsel wetenschap. Amsterdam: Boom Meppel.KRAUSZ, E. & MILLER, S.H. 1974. Social research design. London: Longman.KRIPPENDORF, K. 1981. Content analysis. Beverley Hills: Sage publications.KRUGER, D. 1979. An introduction to phenomenological psychology. Cape Town: Juta.KUHN, T.S. 1970. The structure of scientific revolutions. 2nd enlarged edition. Chicago: The University ofChicago <strong>Press</strong>.LAKATOS, I. 1970. Falsification and the methodology of scientific research programmes. In: Lakatos, I. &Musgrave, A. , (eds.) Criticism and the growth of knowledge. Cambridge: Cambridge University <strong>Press</strong>.Pp. 99-196.LAKATOS, I. & MUSGRAVE, A. (eds.) 1970. Criticism and the growth of knowledge. Cambridge:Cambridge University <strong>Press</strong>.LAUDAN, L. 1977. Progress and its problems. London: RKP.LEEDY, P.D. 1980. Practical research, planning and design. New York: MacMillan Publ. Co.LESTER, J.D. 1983. Writing research papers: a complete guide. 4th edition Glenview: Scott Foresman.LOFLAND, J. 1971. Analyzing social settings. New York: Wadsworth.LUTYNSKA, K. 1970. The place of interviewing in Polish sociological research and its influence on theresults obtained. Polish Sociological Bulletin 2: 121-129.256

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