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• social sciences research aims at understanding social reality;• social sciences research is a study aimed at a valid understanding of socialreality; and• social sciences research is objective research.In the following section we look at these five dimensions, very briefly, fromtwo very different contexts: the more abstract context of scientific disciplinesas against the more concrete context of a specific research project.The disciplinary and project contexts of researchAs we have already indicated, the main focus in this book is on the researchprocess as it is executed by individual researchers. However, it is of coursetrue, that even individual research projects are conducted within the broadercontexts of particular paradigms and disciplines. Individual researchers aretrained as researchers within a given research tradition or paradigm and thisFIGURE 1.2DISCIPLINARYCONTEXTPARADIGMATICCONTEXTFree download from www.hsrcpress.ac.zaRESEARCHPROJECTtraining usually has a lasting effect on the theoretical and methodologicalpreferences of the researcher. It also implies that particular assumptions aboutthe nature, domain, and structure of research are shared with other researchers.If this is viewed within an even broader context, it becomes evident that eachdiscipline in the social sciences consists of a variety of paradigms. Thisobviously implies that different research models, theories and ontologies will17

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