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Naive inductivism 57naturalistic research, see qualitative researchNeo-Marxism 21nomothetic research strategy 48ff, 50- see also general research strategynormal science 145-147normative beings 76Objectivity 16, 194observation 158ff- qualitative and quantitative 159ff, 164ff- see also participant observation, systematic observationobservation effects 81ff, 157- see also context effects, measurement effects,researcher effects, participant effectsomniscience syndrome 87operational definition 60, 132ff, 162- see also operationalizationoperational specificity 158ffoperationalization 22, 25, 64ff, 72Free download from www.hsrcpress.ac.zaParadigm 12, 19, 30, 144ffpardigm programme 125participant effects 81, 86ffparticipant motivation 88participant observation 92, 93, 96, 160, 164, 165period effect 120phenomenology 26, 164, 175philosophy of science 71-72philosophy of the social sciences 12, 21physical sources 77planning a research project 175Popper, K 14, 15, 25, 29ff, 31, 57-58, 71, 134positivism 21, 30precursive theoretical models 141predictive research 14, 45predictive validity 67ffpresupposition 192probability 15problem formulation 24, 37ff, 57ff, 192project perspective 18project report 189projective techniques 77propositions 131ff- see also definition hypothesis266

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