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hermeneutics 21heuristic function, see modelhistorical analysis 44, 122historicity 75Holdoway 5, 93Human Sciences Research Council 177Hyman, HH 82, 83hypothesis 125, 134ff, 157, 158ff- null hypothesis 135, 136- qualitative and quantitative 159ff, 162-164- research hypothesis 135, 186, 187, 241- statictical hypothesis 135hypothesis-generating research 14, 36hypothesis-testing research 14, 35Free download from www.hsrcpress.ac.zaIdeal type 137ideographic research strategy 48ff- see also contextual research strategyideological assumptions and research 10ideology and research 11indicators 65, 69ffindirect observation 77induction 30, 106ff, 111ffinductive inference, see inductioninductive logic 30inductive strategy 103, 116inference 107- see also argument, deduction, inductioninferential validity 106ffinsider-perspective 70intellectual climate of 20ffinternal validity 50ff, 59, 72- see also inferential validity, measurement validity,reliability, theoretical validityinterpretation 22, 99, 102ff, 195interview saturation 87interviewing 97Kaplan, A 139Kaufman, F 16Kerlinger, F 132, 142Knorr-Cetina, KD 189264

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