PhD Thesis - Energy Systems Research Unit - University of Strathclyde

PhD Thesis - Energy Systems Research Unit - University of Strathclyde

PhD Thesis - Energy Systems Research Unit - University of Strathclyde


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[22] Kohlenbach, P. and Ziegler, F. "A dynamic simulation model for transientabsorption chiller performance. Part II: Numerical results and experimentalverification" International Journal <strong>of</strong> Refrigeration, 2008. 31: pgs. 226 – 233[23] Takagi, Y., Nakamaru, T. and Nishitani, Y. "An Absorption chiller model forHVACSIM + ", in IBPSA Conference 1999. 1999: Kyoto, Japan[24] Fu, D.G., Poncia G., and Lu, Z. "Implementation <strong>of</strong> an object-orienteddynamic modelling library for absorption refrigeration systems" AppliedThermal Engineering, 2006. 26: pgs. 217-225[25] Kohlenbach, P. and Ziegler, F. "A dynamic simulation model for transientabsorption chiller performance. Part I: The model" International Journal <strong>of</strong>Refrigeration, 2008. 31: pgs. 217-225[26] Kim, B. and Park, J. "Dynamic simulation <strong>of</strong> a single-effect ammonia-waterabsorption chiller" International Journal <strong>of</strong> Refrigeration, 2007. 30: pgs. 535-545[27] Shin, Y., Seo, J.A., Cho, H.W., Nam, S.C. and Jeong, J.H. "Simulation <strong>of</strong>dynamics and control <strong>of</strong> a double-effect LiBr–H 2 O absorption chiller"Applied Thermal Engineering, 2009. 29: pgs. 2718-2725[28] Nurzia, G., (2008) "Design and simulation <strong>of</strong> solar absorption coolingsystems." Doctoral <strong>Thesis</strong> - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale, Facoltà diIngegneria, Università degli Studi di Bergamo, Italia[29] "TRNSYS - A TRaNsient SYstem Simulation Program", Version: 17.1 (June2011), 2011, Solar <strong>Energy</strong> Laboratory, <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Wisconsin-Madison,USA[30] Beausoleil-Morrison, I., Kelly, N.J., Ferguson, A., Griffith, B., Maréchal, F.and Weber A. (2007). "Specifications for Modelling Fuel Cell andCombustion-Based Residential Cogeneration Devices within Whole-BuildingSimulation Programs" - A Report <strong>of</strong> Subtask B <strong>of</strong> FC+COGEN+SIM TheSimulation <strong>of</strong> Building-Integrated Fuel Cell and Other Cogeneration <strong>Systems</strong>:Annex 42 <strong>of</strong> the International <strong>Energy</strong> Agency's Conservation in Buildingsand Community <strong>Systems</strong> Programme. International <strong>Energy</strong> Agency[31] Kelly, N.J., (1998) "Towards a design environment for building integratedenergy systems: The Integration <strong>of</strong> electrical power flow modelling with135

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