Untitled - Uhlenbrock

Untitled - Uhlenbrock

Untitled - Uhlenbrock


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YUMPU automatically turns print PDFs into web optimized ePapers that Google loves. Universal addressMARCoAs you saw above, a MARCo-Receiver can only have its configuration read if it is selectedunder its module address (LNCV 0). It can thereby by be differentiated from all other MARCOreceivers on the layout.What if you have forgotten the address of a MARCo-Receiver? In this case the Universaladdress 65535 will help.Procedure• Connect only the MARCo-Receiver with the unknown module address to the LocoNet T-Socket, i.e. without any other MARCo-Receivers.• Press the [menu] key followed by the [mode] key in order to enter the Basic Settings Menu.• With the [ ]-key move to the menu "LocoNet Prog." option• Press the []-key• Input the MARCo-Receiver part number 68 500• Press the [ ]-key• Input of the Universal address 65,535• Press the [ ]-key• The display will indicate LNCV 0 with the programmed module address.This address can now be changed or maintained. The MARCo-Receiver then bereconnected to the layout.17

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