Untitled - Uhlenbrock

Untitled - Uhlenbrock

Untitled - Uhlenbrock


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MARCoProgramming of the Routes in an Intellibox II or IB-SwitchRoute Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8Route FunctionEntry Entry Entry Exit Exit Exit Passing Signal inTrack 1 Track 2 Track 3 Track 1 Track 2 Track 3 loop Sta.- redSet route via1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8feedback address occupied occupied occupied occupied occupied occupied occupied occupiedStep 1 113 R 113 R 113 G 121 R 122 R 123 G 113 R 101RStep 2 112 G 112 R 110 G 122 G 123 G 103 G 112 G 102RStep 3 111 R 110 G 123 R 102 G 111 G 103RStep 4 110 G 101 G 121 GStep 5122 GStep 6123 GStep 7110 G7.4.5.5 Exit Manager with selective track switching OptionExit from a 3-track station with Block sections in the tracksIn the example, the Exit Manager needs to selectively switch the signals associated with eachof the block sections in the station. It is no longer sufficient, like in the previous example, toswitch route when the at the Exit Manager to switch all signals in the station to “red”, e.g. atrain from track 1 reaches the Exit Manager, then signal 22 must be switched to “red” andsignal 21 to “green”.The routes for the individual tracks in the station to the exit block must be stored in theIntellibox, Intellibox II or IB-Switch. The last instruction in every route must definitely be toswitch the exit signal at the end of the corresponding station to “green”.The Exit Manager’s MARCo-Receiver LNCVs are programmed as follows:LNCV Description Value0 Module and first detector address, 1 4095 92 Automatic mode: exit manager10The tracks are checked in chronological order if they are occupied. The nextoccupied track is selected for departure.The tracks are checked randomly in their occupied state. The next, randomlyfound, occupied track is selected for departure.3 Direction, in which the sequence in LNCV 2 is to be activatedActive when travelling from detector 1 to detector 2Active when travelling from detector 2 to detector 1015 Waiting period for processing switching commands for solenoids and routes. 0-255(in seconds).6 The state of the exit signal S30 is monitored by the exit manager, red signalcauses the train to stop, a green signal permits passing through.Note: The signal does not have to physically exist on the layout.S30The management of the station happens via LNCVs 20 to 119. Every track has 2 LNCVs withthe following entries: address of the MARCo-Receiver that is to monitor the station track andthe instruction to switch the route in the Intellibox, Intellibox II or IB-Switch.63

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