Untitled - Uhlenbrock

Untitled - Uhlenbrock

Untitled - Uhlenbrock


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A.2.1 Extended LNCV Table for the MARCo-ReceiverMARCoIn principle, the LNCV table for the MARCo Receiver. Shown below, are only the LNCVs whose meaningdiffers or extended.Function: “Station Control with Passing Loop”The receiver is configured as Entry Manager; LNCV 2 is set to 8 or 24.LNCV DescriptionValue Range chapter13 Passing loop controlled by solenoid0-2000 green = all trains use the passing loopSolenoid red = only trains and train categories entered in CV 122 to 127use the passing loop120 Virtual Address, with which the Entry Manger reports the passing as 1-4095 or vacant.This address (LNCV 0) must not be used by other MARCo Receivers.121 Not used - -122-127 Addresses of Locomotives (1-9999) or train categories (20001-20004),that should automatically use the passing loop.The receiver is configured as Exit Manager; LNCV 2 is set to 9,10, 25 or 26LNCVDescription13 Linking the function of Entry Manager and Exit Manager.0 = No linking of Entry Manager and Exit Manager1-4095 = if the address from LNCV 0 of the matching Entry Manger isentered here, the Exit Manager ascertains if a locomotive is waiting atEntry Manager, to enter the station. The Exit Manager clears a track sothe waiting train can enter the station. The prerequisite for this that theentries in LNCVs 20-119 are the same in both managers. Furthermore anew train selection is made in case a station control with passing loop isset to status “all trains must use the passing loop” is returned to “normaloperation”.120 Address with which the Entry Manager reports the passing loop asoccupied or vacant.This address (LNCV 0) must not be used by another MARCO Receiver.121 Route from the station entry to the station exitInstruction for switching the route in the Intellibox or IB-Switch which isthe path from the station entrance (Entry Manger block) to the stationexit (Exit Manager block).122 If a train enters the passing loop, instead of the instruction in LNCV 7,the value programmed here is used. (programming see LNCV 7)123 If a train enters the passing loop, instead of the instruction in LNCV 8,the value programmed here is used. (programming see LNCV 8)1-9999,20001-200157.4.5.4Value SeeRange chapter0-2000 “Locomotive specific Delay” in automatic operation of a Shuttle service,Holding point and Block SectionLNCV DescriptionValue Range chapter110-117 Vehicle addresses which trigger the Delay 1-9999 7.4.6120-127 Delay in Seconds (0-255) 0-255 7.4.681

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