Untitled - Uhlenbrock

Untitled - Uhlenbrock

Untitled - Uhlenbrock


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MARCoProcessing the instructions of the individual switching operation apply as follows:Sequence Function If, then1. Are locomotive special function instructions from LNCV 20-49 to be sent implementto Position 0?2. Are sonlenoid, route- or feedback instructions from LNCV 80-109 to be implementsent?3. Are locomotive special function instructions from LNCV 20-49 to be sent implementto Position 1?4. Has a waiting period been programmed into LNCV 5? delayed5. Are locomotive special function instructions from LNCV 20-49 to be sent implementto Position 2?6. Is an individual waiting period programmed for this locomotive in LNCV implement110-127?7. Are locomotive special function instructions from LNCV 20-49 to be sent implementto Position 3?8. Is an individual speed change instruction from LNCV 50-79 to be sent? implement9. Are locomotive special function instructions from LNCV 20-49 to be sentto Position 4?implementFor this, functions 4 to 7 are sequentially executed if the block signal is switched from “red” to“green”, so the train departs. They are not executed if the train arrives at the sensor when theblock exit signal is green.Time delayed switching of solenoidsIf the switching operation is to switch an entire route for the vehicle, it does not make sense forthe vehicle to depart immediately after sending the route switching command. The selectedroute may not have been completely implemented at the time, the individual solenoids couldstill be changing. In order to prevent this, a waiting period can be set, in LNCV 5, aftersending the route or feedback instructions, for which the MARCo-Receiver waits before itimplements the speed instruction. The waiting time from LNCV 5 is inserted at Position 4 inthe above executed sequence, if the block signal is switched from “red” to “green” when thetrain is to depart.LNCV Description Value5 Waiting period for processing solenoids, routes or feedback instructions, in 0-255seconds.Further examples with locomotive specific switching commands can be found in the“Examples” section of this manual.Locomotive specific DelayLNCV 5 determines for all trains the length of time to wait at the block exit signal after it hasturned “green”. In LNCVs 110 to 117 and 120 to 127 can contain additional delays forindividual locomotives, so that, for example, a rail car stays at the platform longer than afreight train. The programming is done with the following LNCVs:LNCV Description110-117 Vehicle addresses which trigger the Delay120-127 Delay in Seconds (0-255)The vehicle addresses are programmed according to the same convention that is also usedfor all other functions in switching operations (see Chap. 7.3.4 to 7.3.6).Switching of Locomotive functions at various Points in the Automatic SequenceAs shown in the sequence of the automatic operation above, there are 5 positions at which anaction, which switches locomotive special functions, can be activated.In the Option for the switching of special functions it can be specified at what point in theswitching sequence the programmed switch function is to be executed. Valid are:66

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