The Rainforests of Cameroon - PROFOR

The Rainforests of Cameroon - PROFOR

The Rainforests of Cameroon - PROFOR

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182 Appendix 10forest service (or to private firms acting on behalf <strong>of</strong> the forest service)to undertake survey inventories aiming at providing accurate public information<strong>of</strong> the commercial potential <strong>of</strong> the resource to be auctioned. Inaddition, sufficient time must be allowed for potential bidders to maketheir own surveys.Floor price. Floor price matters, especially when competition is low ornonexistent. Experience has shown that when several bidders competefor a given concession, bids are well beyond the floor price. When no bidsat all are received for a given concession, it is worth considering holding anew round with a lower floor price (a practice not authorized by current<strong>Cameroon</strong>ian regulations).Capture <strong>of</strong> economic rent. <strong>The</strong> auction system has been effective incapturing most <strong>of</strong> the economic forest rent, and both government andlocal council/community revenues (50 percent <strong>of</strong> the annual royalty)have increased. <strong>The</strong> structure <strong>of</strong> forest taxes has changed so that mostare concentrated upstream; this trend is consistent with the decline<strong>of</strong> log exports following progressive implementation <strong>of</strong> the partial logexport ban after 1999. Yet simply seeking to capture economic rent is notenough; this focus must be accompanied by tough policies to suppressthe numerous dysfunctions <strong>of</strong> the administration that bring additionalcosts to the economic agents (“administrative taxes and fees,” excessiverequirements put within the “cahiers des charges,” abusive financial cautions,excessive delays in refunding value added taxes for exporters, andso forth).Export levies. Export levies are easiest to collect and <strong>of</strong>fer feweropportunities for fraud. <strong>The</strong>y have a role to play even in regimes thatemphasize upstream taxation. <strong>The</strong>y can be used to promote moreadvanced processing capacity and the use <strong>of</strong> less-marketed species overless- processed goods made from more traditional species. <strong>The</strong> challengeis to calibrate export levies at levels that do not discourage exports (if toohigh), play their incentive role effectively, and allow adequate revenuecapture by the state.Delivered by <strong>The</strong> World Bank e-library to:<strong>The</strong> World BankIP :, 09 Nov 2009 17:06:18(c) <strong>The</strong> International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / <strong>The</strong> World Bank

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