Arab Knowledge Report 2009: Towards Productive

Arab Knowledge Report 2009: Towards Productive

Arab Knowledge Report 2009: Towards Productive

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TABLE 3-1CountryOpportunities for basic knowledge capital formation inchildren through education in 2005 (per cent)AEnrolmentrateBNet enrolmentrate in primaryeducationCGross enrolmentratio in upper stageof basic education(adjusted * )DRatio ofexpectedschool yearsto age 18 **Averagescore(A+B+C+D)/4Libya .. .. 100 91.9 ..Bahrain 99 98 97 80.2 93.6Tunisia 97 96 99.8 73.7 91.6Algeria 98 95 100 66.5 89.9Qatar 98 94 94.2 67.2 88.4Egypt 96 94 91.4 65.9 86.8Jordan 94 90 87.7 72.4 86.0UAE 95 88 90.5 62.4 84.0Kuwait 89 83 84.9 68.9 81.5OccupiedPalestinian80 76 93.3 70.9 80.1TerritoriesLebanon 83 82 82.1 70.1 79.3Syria .. 95 85.8 .. ..Oman 77 74 87.7 64.2 75.7Morocco 88 88 64.4 51.6 73.0Iraq 89 89 54.1 49.3 70.4Saudi <strong>Arab</strong>ia 75 78 58.8 .. ..Yemen 75 75 47.6 43.9 60.4Mauritania 80 79 25.2 39.4 55.9Comoros 55 .. 38.3 43.9 ..Sudan 44 .. 43.9 25.4 ..Djibouti 38 38 25.2 19.2 30.1Somalia .. .. .. .. ..Tunisia, Algeria,Jordan, and Egypthave managedto ensure highopportunities forthe creation ofknowledge capitalin children, in spiteof their limitedfinancial capacitiesSource: UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Data Centre; figures in columns C and D and average score are provided by Ramzi Salama/<strong>Report</strong> core team member.*Base averages reduced by 6.7 per cent (average over 100 per cent in the <strong>Arab</strong> countries in question) to correct for errors in the calculationof gross enrolment figures, which may exceed 100 per cent.**It may be supposed for the sake of argument that the gross school life expectancy of a given age cohort may, under ideal circumstances,approach eighteen years, as is expected in some countries of the world, such as Ireland and Norway. On the other hand, it may beconsidered overoptimistic to hope to approach the twenty years that is expected for Australia and New Zealand. The figure of eighteenyears has therefore been taken as a maximum for the calculation of the expected figure for all <strong>Arab</strong> countries.potential achievement in Kuwait, Saudi<strong>Arab</strong>ia, Oman, Djibouti, Sudan, and theComoros, whereas anticipated achievementexceeds relative financial capacities inBahrain, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt,Jordan, Syria, and Yemen, regardless ofthe calculated equation. 18 In these terms,Saudi <strong>Arab</strong>ia and Oman clearly lag wellbehind the norm, whereas countries suchas Tunisia, Algeria, Jordan, and Egypt havemanaged to ensure high opportunitiesfor the creation of knowledge capital inchildren, in spite of their limited financialcapacities.EDUCATION AND THE FORMATION OF KNOWLEDGE CAPITAL103

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