Arab Knowledge Report 2009: Towards Productive

Arab Knowledge Report 2009: Towards Productive

Arab Knowledge Report 2009: Towards Productive

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• Real and deep-rooted development in<strong>Arab</strong> education and scientific research,including a sufficient store of investmentto guarantee quality education, thelocal production of knowledge, theassimilation and indigenisation ofimported knowledge, and the rise of aculture that encourages innovation andinitiative.• Planning for the gradual transfer to aneconomy based on knowledge. This isa long-term ambition that requires anew, innovative, initiative-taking <strong>Arab</strong>mindset based on a positive approachto dealing with information and itstechnologies, highly competitiveskills, professionalism in labor andproduction, and commitment toprofessional ethics.Any strategy for improving <strong>Arab</strong>innovation and research performance mustfollow two parallel approaches. One is theshort- and mid-term rationalization approachthat requires infusing key economic sectorswith high-level technology, with the goal ofgenerating added values to their outputsand absorbing imported innovations. Theother is the long-term innovative approachthat revolves around indigenising new andadvanced technology and then partneringin its local production. This strategy mustdraw on the general development goals ofeach <strong>Arab</strong> state, be accompanied by <strong>Arab</strong>cooperation in knowledge, and form alinked extension of the global knowledgestore (see Chapter 6).If scientific research and innovationsuffer from a lack of funding in the <strong>Arab</strong>region, the time has come for the <strong>Arab</strong>private sector to provide it, not only asa national duty but as a necessity if theregion is to be propelled in the directionof globalism. Numerous other methodsexist for the funding of innovation. Forexample, one of the possible means ofsecuring additional resources for scientificand innovative activity is to impose a feeof no more than one US cent per cellularphone call to be drawn automatically byoperating companies and transferred to ajoint fund to support scientific research.The goal of this direct participationin funding scientific research, howevermodest it may be, would be to achievean added value that would contribute toimproving <strong>Arab</strong> innovative performance.A research and innovation strategyrequires the ordering of priorities in away that addresses the concerns shared bymost <strong>Arab</strong> countries and which faithfullyreflects the consensus of <strong>Arab</strong> and globalliterature in this field. Improving innovationperformance, like improving knowledgeperformance, requires a political decision.This must be supported by vision and willthat move in the direction of an openingup to democracy, political reform, andthe liberation of intellectual and academicfreedoms that will raise to internationallevels the standard of work in centres ofknowledge production and innovation, bethey universities or research centres.Such institutions are the engines ofnational growth. They are bastions ofcritical thought and research, and theyguarantee the creation of hi-tech companies.They also guarantee the generation of theproducts and ideas upon which society’ssecurity and progress depend. Theseinstitutions develop human resources thatare distinctive in their professionalismand leadership, and which are capableof taking wise decisions. In contrast tocompanies, computers, factories, airplanes,and advanced service sectors, one cannotimport universities or scientific centres ofexcellence, for such institutions can onlybe developed through an accumulative andinteractive process between society and itshuman forces, reinforced by far-reachingvision, and in an open environment ofprofessional commitment and high ethicalstandards.In the final chapter of this report weseek to develop a general vision for theknowledge society and its establishment,including measures that will help in shiftingthe proposed vision from the level ofaspiration to that of a search for channelsand procedures necessary to facilitate itsachievement.Improving innovationperformance, likeimproving knowledgeperformance, requiresa political decisionsupported by visionand will that movein the directionof an openingup to democracy,political reform,and the liberationof intellectual andacademic freedomsARAB PERFORMANCE IN RESEARCH AND INNOVATION213

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