Arab Knowledge Report 2009: Towards Productive

Arab Knowledge Report 2009: Towards Productive

Arab Knowledge Report 2009: Towards Productive

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5-6). A tabulation of all the <strong>Arab</strong> peerreviewedscientific publications in fortysevenscientific and technical specialisationspublished over the last ten years (1998-2007)reveals a total of 14,000 articles (Figure5-7 and Table 5-7), while Turkey alonepublished 9,800 studies during the sameperiod. Close inspection of the contentof these scientific publications allowsus to categorise it into five research foci.Energy studies comprise a high percentageof these publications, followed by theagricultural and environmental sciencesand then the basic sciences. Engineeringand industrial science publications are on apar numerically with those of public healthand biology.GLOBAL ENGAGEMENTTABLE 5-8<strong>Arab</strong>-international cooperation in scientific publishingTunisia Egypt LebanonRank Country % Country % Country %1 France 77.0 United States 27.9 France 37.02 United States 5.7 Germany 14.9 United States 32.33 Germany 4.1 Saudi <strong>Arab</strong>ia 12.4 United Kingdom 10.14 Italy 3.7 Japan 10.3 Canada 6.95 Belgium 3.6 United Kingdom 8.6 Bahrain 4.56 Canada 3.6 Canada 5.3 Italy 3.87 United Kingdom 3.1 Italy 4.1 Saudi <strong>Arab</strong>ia 3.28 Morocco 2.2 Belgium 3.1 Germany ..9 Spain 2.1 France 2.9 Australia ..10 Algeria 1.5 Spain 2.2 Egypt ..Source: Thomson Reuters and the Science and Technology Observatory (Observatoire des Sciences et Technologie - OST,Quebec, Canada), 2007In contrast to the above, there are alsopositive signs that attract attention, themost striking of which is the increasein joint publications between <strong>Arab</strong>researchers and their peers in Europeancountries and North America. A study ofthree <strong>Arab</strong> countries known for their abilityto cooperate with foreign programmes(Table 5-8) shows that France is Tunisia’sFIGURE 5- impact of <strong>Arab</strong> publications 17primary scientific partner. Egypt has aconspicuous scientific partnership withthe USA, and shows reasonable degrees ofscientific partnership with Germany, Saudi<strong>Arab</strong>ia, Japan, and Britain. The percentagesof Lebanon’s research partnerships withFrance and the USA are similar. Thesepartnerships can perhaps be interpreted asLebanonSyriaEgyptMoroccoAlgeriaTunisiaThere are positivesigns in the areaof <strong>Arab</strong> scientificresearch, the moststriking of which isthe increase in jointpublications between<strong>Arab</strong> researchersand their peers inEuropean countriesand North America0.1Jordan01992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006Source: Thomson Reuters, Science Citation Index, 2007, and ESTIME Programme, 2008ARAB PERFORMANCE IN RESEARCH AND INNOVATION199

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