NIST Technical Note 1337: Characterization of Clocks and Oscillators

NIST Technical Note 1337: Characterization of Clocks and Oscillators

NIST Technical Note 1337: Characterization of Clocks and Oscillators


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major difficulty is designing a mixer terminations toremove the source frequency from the output signal,which would generally saturate the low noiseamplifiers following the mixer. without degrading thesignal-to-noise ratio. As mentioned earlier thephase noise spectrum is quite likely asymmetric whenf exceeds the b<strong>and</strong>width <strong>of</strong> the tuned circuits in thedevice under test. For example one expects that thephase noise at 1/2vo is different than the phasenoise at 3/2v o .Comparison <strong>of</strong> Noise Floorfor Different Techniquesreference source is also higher at the multipliedfrequency as shown in Section III.F below.III, B Enhanced PerfOrmance Using CorrelationTechniquesThe resolution <strong>of</strong> the many systems can be greatlyenhanced (typically 20 dB) by using correlationtechniques to separate the phase noise due to thedevice unde·r test from the noise in the mixer <strong>and</strong> IFamplifier [5, 11].For purposes <strong>of</strong> illustration, consider the schemeshown in Fig. 5. At the output <strong>of</strong> each doublebalanced mixer there is a signal which isproportional to the phase difference, A~, between thetwo oscillators <strong>and</strong> a noise term, V R• due tocontributions from the mixer <strong>and</strong> amplifier. Thevoltages at the input <strong>of</strong> each b<strong>and</strong>pass filter areVI(BP filter input) = GIA~(t) + C1V.I(t) (11)V 2 (BP filter input) = G 2 A~(t)+ C 2V. 2(t).where VRI(t) <strong>and</strong> V. 2 (t) are substantiallyuncorrelated <strong>and</strong> C I <strong>and</strong> C 2are constants. Eachb<strong>and</strong>pass filter produces a narrow b<strong>and</strong> noise functionaround its center frequency f:VI(BP filter output) = G I [S.(f)]· B I ' cos [2Kft +~(t)](12)V 2 (BP filter output) G 2 [S.(f)]· B 2 ' cos [2lfft +.p(t)]Fig. 4.Curve A.The noise floor S¢(f) (resolution) <strong>of</strong>typical double balanced mixer systems (e.g.Fig. 1 <strong>and</strong> Fig. 2) at carrier frequenciesfrom 0.1 MHz to 26 GHz. Similarperformance possible to 100 GHz [5J.Curve B. The noise floor, S~(f), for a high levelmixer [5 J .Curve C. The correlated component <strong>of</strong> S.(f) betweentwo channels using high level mixers [5].Curve D. The equivalent noise floor S.(f) <strong>of</strong> a 5 to25 MHz frequency multiplier.Curve E. Approximate phase noise floor <strong>of</strong> Fig. 8using a 500 ns delay line.Curve F. Approximate phase noise floor <strong>of</strong> Fig. 8where alms delay has been achieved byencoding the signal on an optical carrier<strong>and</strong> transmitted it across a long opticalfiber to a detector.OOM,REfMost double balanced mixers have a substantial nonlinearitythat can be exploited to make phasecomparison between the reference source <strong>and</strong> oddmultiples <strong>of</strong> the reference frequency. Some mixerseven feature internal even harmonic generation. Themeasurement block diagram looks identical to that <strong>of</strong>in Fig. 1, except that the source under test is at anodd (even) harmonic <strong>of</strong> the reference source. Thismethod is relatively efficient (as long as theharmonics fall within the b<strong>and</strong>width <strong>of</strong> the mixer) formultiples up to x5 although multiples as high as 25have been used. The noise floor is apprOXimatelydegraded by the amount <strong>of</strong> reduction in the phasesensitivity <strong>of</strong> the mixer. The phase noise <strong>of</strong> theFig. 5.Correlation phase noise measurement system.where B I <strong>and</strong> B 2are the eqUivalent noise b<strong>and</strong>widths<strong>of</strong> filters 1 <strong>and</strong> 2 respectively. Both channels areb<strong>and</strong>pass filtered in order to help eliminate aliasing<strong>and</strong> dynamic range problems. The phases ~(t), n, (t)<strong>and</strong> n 2(t) take on all values between 0 <strong>and</strong> 2lf withequal likelihood. They vary slowly compared to 11f<strong>and</strong> are substantially uncorrelated. When these twovoltages are multiplied together <strong>and</strong> low passfiltered, only one term has finite average value.435

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