NIST Technical Note 1337: Characterization of Clocks and Oscillators

NIST Technical Note 1337: Characterization of Clocks and Oscillators

NIST Technical Note 1337: Characterization of Clocks and Oscillators


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"'0 .. 0.87,"'-1 .. 0.77,"'-a" 0.75.As an example <strong>of</strong> the Gaussian model vith K~lOO, Q - -1(flickar frequency noise) <strong>and</strong> Oy(' % 1 second) .. 10- 13 ,ve Illay writll:vhich gives:Oy(' .. 1 second) .. (1 ± a.08) x 10- 12 •If M i. SMall, then the plus <strong>and</strong> minus confidencll intervalsbecome asymmetric <strong>and</strong> the "'. coefficients are notvalid: however, these confidence intervals can be calculated(Lesage <strong>and</strong> Audoin, 1973).If "overlapping" estimates are used, as outlined above,chen the confidence interval <strong>of</strong> the escimate can beshown to be less than or equal to I. as given above(Howe, Allan, Sarnes, 1981).5. Rc;ommendations for CbaIacterizini Qr RepQrtini~easurcments <strong>of</strong> frequencv <strong>and</strong> Phase Instabilitiesa. Nonr<strong>and</strong>om phenomena should be recognized, forexample:oooany observed time dependency <strong>of</strong> the Statisticalmeasures should be stated;the method <strong>of</strong> modeling systematicbehavior should be specified (for example.an estimate <strong>of</strong> the linear frequencydrift vas obtained from thecoefficients <strong>of</strong> a linear least-squaresregression to M frequency measurements,each with a specified averaging or sampletime. <strong>and</strong> measurement b<strong>and</strong>vidth f h);the environmental sensitivities should bestated (for example, che dependence <strong>of</strong>frequency <strong>and</strong>/or phase on temperature,magnetic field, barometric pres.ure,vibration, etc.):b. Relevant measurement or specificationparameters should be given:aa6. Referencuthe enviro~ent during measurement;if a passive alement. such as a cryatalfiltar, i. being mea.ured in contrast toa frequency <strong>and</strong>/or time generator.8arnes, J.A., Tables <strong>of</strong> bias functions, B 1end 8,. forvariances based on finite samples <strong>of</strong> procosses withpower law spectral densieie., N8S, Washington, DC,Tech. <strong>Note</strong> 375, (Jan. 1969).Barnes, J.A. <strong>and</strong> Allan, D.W .. ·Variances 8ased on Datawith Dead Time Between the Measurements: Theory<strong>and</strong> Table.," NBS Tech <strong>Note</strong> 1318 (1988).Same., J.A., Chi, A.R., Cutlor. L.S., Healey, O.J.,Leeson, D.S., McGunigal, T.E., Mullen, J.A.,Smith,~.L., Sydnor, R., Vessot, R.F. <strong>and</strong> Winkler,C.M.R., <strong>Characterization</strong> <strong>of</strong> frequency stability,IEEE Trans. Instr. <strong>and</strong> Meas., Vol. ~, 105-120,(May 1971).cela Report 898, Dubrovnik, (1986).Draper, N.R. <strong>and</strong> Smith, H., Applied Regression Analy.i.,John Wiley <strong>and</strong> Sons,(1966).Howe, D. A., Allan, D. W., <strong>and</strong> Barnes, J.A., Properties<strong>of</strong> signal sources <strong>and</strong> measurement methods. Proc.35th Annual Symposium on Frequency Control, 669­117, (May 1981).Karcasch<strong>of</strong>f, P., Frequency <strong>and</strong> Time, Academic Press, NewYork (1978).Lesage, P., <strong>and</strong> Audoin, C. <strong>Characterization</strong> <strong>of</strong> frequencystability: uncertainty due to the finiee number <strong>of</strong>measurements. IEEE Trans. Instr. <strong>and</strong> Meas., Vol.ll1:ll. 157-161, (June 1913).Lesage, P., Characteri~ation <strong>of</strong> Frequency Stability:Sias due to the juxtaposition <strong>of</strong> time intervalmeasurements. IEEE Trans. on Inser. <strong>and</strong> Meas, ~12..204-207, (1983).Scein. S. R, Frequency <strong>and</strong> Time: Their measurement <strong>and</strong>characterization. Precision Frequency Control,Vol. Z, Academic Press, ~ew York, 191-232, (1985).oaaoooothe method <strong>of</strong> ~easurements:the characteristics <strong>of</strong> the referencesignal;the nominal signal frequency va:the measurement .•ystem b<strong>and</strong>width f o <strong>and</strong>the corresponding lov pass filterresponse;the total measurement time <strong>and</strong> the number<strong>of</strong> measurem~nCs M;the calculation techniques (for example,detail. <strong>of</strong> the windo~ f'~ction ~henestimacing power spectral densities fromtime domain data, or the assumptions~bo~t effects <strong>of</strong> dead-time when estimatingthe tva-sample deviation eyer»~;the confidence <strong>of</strong> the estimate (or errorbar) <strong>and</strong> ies statistical probability(.e.-s.- "t:.hree.-.s:lgma. II );APP;"'fOIX I1. Pover-Law Speceral pensi=iesPower-law spectral densities are <strong>of</strong>ten employed as reasonabl~a~d accurate mod~Ls <strong>of</strong> ~he r<strong>and</strong>om f~uc~ua:ionsin precision oscillators. In practice. these r<strong>and</strong>omfluctuations can <strong>of</strong>ten be re?resented by the sum <strong>of</strong> fiveindependent noise processes, <strong>and</strong> hence:{+2L ha~cr--2for 0 < f < f h~here h~'s are con5tan~$, Q'S are incegers. a~d f b isthe high frequency cut-<strong>of</strong>f <strong>of</strong> a iow pa.s filter. Highfrequency divergence is eliminated by the res~riceionson f in this equation. The identification <strong>and</strong> characterization<strong>of</strong> the five noise processes are given inTabie 1, <strong>and</strong> sho~ in Fig. 1.4211N-141

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