2007-08 2nd Quarter Status Report - City Of Beverly Hills

2007-08 2nd Quarter Status Report - City Of Beverly Hills

2007-08 2nd Quarter Status Report - City Of Beverly Hills


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Service IndicatorSummary by Department<strong>2nd</strong> <strong>Quarter</strong>Progress<strong>Status</strong> DescriptionProgram:4800401 Humand Resources - Personnel87 Recruitments processed3588 Applications processed290489 Weeks from Initiation to Hire List7creation - Non-Sworn90 Weeks from list creation to hire -4Non-Sworn91 Weeks from Initiation to Hire List4creation - Sworn92 Weeks from list creation to hire -2Sworn93 Candidates fingerprinted3394 Access cards issued10095 Separations processed17Program:480<strong>08</strong>01 Management and Budget - Budget102 Percent of budget deadlines met100%103 Annual adopted operating budget $ 305,214,341104 Annual adopted CIP budget$ 1<strong>08</strong>,002,300105 Budget training sessions offered0Program:480<strong>08</strong>03 Management and Budget - Management106 Number of service indicators635monitored107 Number of work plans monitored4731<strong>08</strong> Hours of special studies and800projectsIII - 10FY <strong>2007</strong>/<strong>08</strong> <strong>2nd</strong> <strong>Quarter</strong>

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