Star Trek Voyager RPG d20 System

ST-VO v23c

ST-VO v23c


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Speak<br />

No<br />

Action Type Varies Attack of Opportunity1<br />

Disarm4<br />

Yes<br />

Grapple4<br />

Yes<br />

Load a weapon<br />

Yes<br />

Trip an opponent4<br />

No<br />

Use a feat5<br />

Varies<br />

No Action Attack of Opportunity1<br />

Delay<br />

5-foot step<br />

No<br />

No<br />

1 Regardless of the action, if a character moves out of a threatened square, the character usually<br />

provokes an attack of opportunity. This column indicates whether the action itself, not moving,<br />

provokes an attack of opportunity.<br />

2 If the object is being held, carried, or worn by a creature, yes. If not, no.<br />

3 If the character has a base attack bonus of +1 or higher, he or she can combine this action with a<br />

regular move. If the character has the Two-Weapon Fighting feat, he or she can draw two light or onehanded<br />

weapons in the time it would normally take to draw one.<br />

4 These attack forms substitute for a melee attack, not an action. As melee attacks, they can be used<br />

once in an attack or charge action, one or more times in a full attack action, or even as an attack of<br />

opportunity.<br />

5 The description of a feat defines its effect.<br />

6. Attacks of Opportunity<br />

During combat you threaten the area around you within two meters, even if it is not you turn. If an<br />

enemy moves through your threat area without engaging you in combat, they incur an attack of<br />

opportunity. Enemies who enter your threat area and engage in combat do not provoke an attack of<br />

opportunity. Enemies that retreat from your threat area who are using all-out defense do not provoke<br />

an attack of opportunity.<br />

Making an attack of opportunity is resolved like any other normal attack. A character can only make<br />

one attack of opportunity to a particular enemy but may make a number of attacks of opportunity per<br />

round equal to their Dexterity modifier unless they have the Combat Reflexes technique or similair.<br />

7. All Out Defense<br />

A character may choose to use the All Out Defense. By doing nothing but defending themselves a<br />

character receives a +4 bonus to their Defense score. While acting this way, a character may not<br />

attack or attempt to use any skill. They may only move and defend themselves.<br />

Saving Throws<br />

When a character is the target of an unusual attack (such as the mental attacks of a Mystic, trying to<br />

avoid the blast radius of a grenade or attempting the effects of radiation sickness) a character<br />

generally is allowed a saving throw to minimize or eliminate any detrimental effects.<br />

To succeed at a saving throw a player needs to roll equal or in excess of a Target<br />

Number designated by the Games Master.<br />

*Fortitude Save: 1<strong>d20</strong> + base Fortitude bonus + Constitution modifier<br />

*Reflex Save: 1<strong>d20</strong> + base Reflex bonus + Dexterity modifier<br />

*Will Save: 1<strong>d20</strong> + base Will save + Wisdom modifier

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