Star Trek Voyager RPG d20 System

ST-VO v23c

ST-VO v23c


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Class Features<br />

Use Stats: CHA and WIS<br />

Mind Speak: At 1st level a Mystic can speak telepathically to any sentient being<br />

as long as they share a common language.<br />

If you can see them : No roll<br />

If you can hear them, but not see them : DC 5 on Telepathy<br />

If you know where they are precisely : DC 10 on Telepathy<br />

If you know roughly where they are: DC 15 on Telepathy<br />

Same continent : DC 20<br />

Same planet: DC25<br />

Same system: DC30<br />

Interstellar: DC40 but still feint<br />

(thick metal doors block - 2<br />

for every 1 feet of metal - you get -2)<br />

+1 if you are friends with them<br />

Suggestion: At 2nd level the Mystic gains the ability to make a one or two sentence suggestion to a<br />

sentient being. The suggestion must sound reasonable for the affected being to carry it out.<br />

Suggesting that a being kill itself or act directly opposed to standing orders will automatically fail. The<br />

targeted being may make a will save to avoid the Mystic’s attempt.<br />

DC 10 to do it.<br />

Then target gets a check against 10+1/2 level+CHA mod<br />

Must have line of sight or line of effect if you want to send the Suggestion via Mind Speak.<br />

The Suggestion will wear off after 10-Targets Will Save in days to the minimum of one day.<br />

You may not have any more than your Level (In Mystic) x2 suggestions active at any one time.<br />

If the target has a critical success against it, then they are aware of it.<br />

If the suggestion fails then the target is immune to further suggestion attempts for FORT hours.<br />

Mystic Evasion: At 3rd level the Mystic has a sixth sense when it comes to avoiding damage. This<br />

has the effect of a +1 to AC and a +1 to Reflexes where the Mystic would take damage.<br />

Enthrall: This ability gained at 4th level allows the Mystic to hold large audiences in sway while giving<br />

an oration. The audience will pay attention to the Mystic as long as they continue to speak but will not<br />

necessarily agree with or approve of what is being said. The Mystic can affect 10 people for every two<br />

Mystic levels possessed.<br />

The targeted being may make a will save (against 10+1/2 level+CHA) to avoid the Mystic’s attempt.

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