Star Trek Voyager RPG d20 System

ST-VO v23c

ST-VO v23c


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45. Synthrope<br />

46. Entrenching tool<br />

47. Pocket tent<br />

48. Pocket water purifier<br />

49. Pocket computer<br />

50. Power winch, wearable on belt<br />

51. Cheap bottle of wine<br />

52. Fancy bottle of wine<br />

53. Rocket backpack<br />

54. Magnet gun (pulls things in)<br />

55. Microlight backpack wings<br />

56. Holoprojector watch<br />

57. Personal shield generator (value 10,000 credits)<br />

58. Shoulder rocket launcher (3 shot clip)<br />

59. Voice scrambler<br />

60. View masker<br />

61. Sawed-off shotgun<br />

62. Electromagnetic scanner<br />

63. Handheld laser welder<br />

64. Fusion cutter<br />

65. Repulsorlift hoverboard<br />

66. Omni-bond grapple gun<br />

67. Grav boots<br />

68. Pair of big fuzzy dice<br />

69. Inertial direction-finder<br />

70. Super-high-bounce grenade (set 1-5 bounce fuze)<br />

71. Remote-control frisbee UAV<br />

72. Folding pocket solar gun-and-gadget recharger<br />

73. Bowel capitulator pistol<br />

74. Flashbang grenade<br />

75. Small tube of molecular bond ultraglue<br />

76. Squirt bottle of universal solvent<br />

77. Set of wrist lasers<br />

78. Mouse droid<br />

79. Bounty hunter skull drone with laser eyes (programmable)<br />

80. Small skin rug<br />

81. Electronic riflescope (+1 to hit on attached pistol or rifle)<br />

82. Therm-optic invisibility camouflage cloak<br />

83. Case with flare gun and five flares<br />

84. Fireworks–pack of Roman candles, fountains, rockets<br />

85. EMP bomb, 1 block radius<br />

86. Droid popper EMP grenade<br />

87. 1-meter-square grav plate (program or remote, -10 to 10 gravities)<br />

88. Hypoinjector with truth serum, 3 shots<br />

89. Anti-sensor camo cloak<br />

90. Wrist-mounted rope shooter (wraps target)<br />

91. Net gun<br />

92. Parachute<br />

93. Aerogel grenade (15' diameter sphere fills with translucent aerogel, can cushion landing, block<br />

corridor, immobilize everyone in a turbolift car, etc.)<br />

94. 10,000 in fake credits (DC 20 to recognize)<br />

95. forged electronic search warrant (DC 25 to recognize)

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