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67. World Bank 2011.<br />

68. See http://blog.jetblue.com/index.php/2013/09/05<br />

/unpacked-working-from-home/, accessed June 19,<br />

2015.<br />

69. Bloom and others 2014.<br />

70. See http://www.philstar.com/education-and-home<br />

/2013/06/13/953332/filipino-teachers-uruguay.<br />

71. Muto and Yamano 2009.<br />

72. e-Choupal, “The Status of Execution.” http://www<br />

.itcportal.com/businesses/agri-business/e-choupal<br />

.aspx.<br />

73. World Bank 2014a; Demirgüç-Kunt and others 2015.<br />

74. Jack and Suri 2014.<br />

75. Fingerprint scanning among paprika farmers in<br />

Malawi increased repayment rates (IFPRI and<br />

World Bank 2010).<br />

76. For a discussion on personal networks and<br />

labor markets, see Granovetter (1973) and Calvo-<br />

Armengol (2004).<br />

77. Boase and others 2006.<br />

78. World Bank 2011.<br />

79. La Ferrara, Chong, and Duryea 2012; Jensen and<br />

Oster 2009.<br />

80. WDR 2016 team, based on Research ICT Africa<br />

surveys (various years).<br />

81. De, Mohapatra, and Plaza, forthcoming, for the<br />

WDR 2016.<br />

82. Camacho and Conover 2011; Jensen 2010.<br />

83. Goyal 2010; Aker 2010a; Best and others 2010; Aker<br />

2011; Martin 2010.<br />

84. Aker and Mbiti 2010.<br />

85. Beuermann, McKelvey, and Vakis 2012.<br />

86. May, Dutton, and Munyakazi 2011.<br />

87. Jensen 2007.<br />

88. Pineda, Aguero, and Espinoza 2011.<br />

89. Galiani and Jaitman 2010.<br />

90. Asad 2014.<br />

91. Aker 2010a; Pineda, Aguero, and Espinoza 2011.<br />

92. Aker 2010a.<br />

93. Aker 2011.<br />

94. Tadesse and Bahiigwa 2015; Jagun, Heeks, and<br />

Whalley 2008.<br />

95. Amazon Mechanical Turk is an online work platform.<br />

The quote was obtained through an online<br />

questionnaire of online workers done in September<br />

2014 for this Report.<br />

96. Varian 2011.<br />

97. Government of Estonia 2015.<br />

98. Interactive Advertising Bureau 2010.<br />

99. Greenstein and McDevitt 2011.<br />

100. WDR 2016 team, based on Research ICT Africa surveys<br />

(various years).<br />

101. Pew Research Center 2014.<br />

102. In the United States, the median tenure for male<br />

wage and salary workers was lower in 2014 at 5.5<br />

years, compared with 5.9 years in 1983 (Copeland<br />

2015). Dutz and others (2015, for the WDR 2016)<br />

show more turnover among young workers in<br />

industries intensive in ICT in Brazil. See also<br />

Stevenson 2009.<br />

103. Handel 2015, for the WDR 2016.<br />

104. World Bank 2012, 2013.<br />

105. Forman, Goldfarb, and Greenstein 2012.<br />

106. Eden and Gaggl 2014; Karabarbounis and Neiman<br />

2013. Eden and Gaggl (2015, for the WDR 2016) suggest<br />

that while the fall in the routine share of labor<br />

is linked to technological change, the shift in the<br />

labor share compared with that of capital may be a<br />

more complex story. In the United States, housing<br />

prices have been identified as a key driver in the<br />

rise of capital shares (Bonnet and others 2014). This<br />

chapter focuses on the fall of routine labor within<br />

the labor share, as this is more clearly linked to<br />

technological change.<br />

107. From 16 to 14 percent in the case of Honduras, and<br />

from 18 to 16 percent in the case of Romania (Eden<br />

and Gaggl 2015, for the WDR 2016).<br />

108. Acemoglu 2002; Aghion and others 2015; Dabla-<br />

Norris and others 2015; Garicano and Rossi-<br />

Hansberg 2006; Jaumotte, Lall, and Papageorgiou<br />

2008; Autor, Katz, and Krueger 1998.<br />

109. Acemoglu and Autor 2011; Akcomak, Kok, and<br />

Rojas-Romagosa 2013; Autor and Dorn 2013; Goos,<br />

Manning, and Salomons, forthcoming.<br />

110. Autor, Dorn, and Hanson, forthcoming; Autor, Dorn,<br />

and Hanson 2013.<br />

111. The number of workers in agriculture declined in<br />

China between 2000 and 2010, but the number of<br />

workers within the sector that were machine or<br />

equipment operators almost doubled (WDR 2016<br />

team, based on the National Bureau of Statistics of<br />

China, various years).<br />

112. Dutz and others 2015; Messina, Oviedo, and Pica<br />

2015 for Mexico and Peru.<br />

113. Goldin and Katz (2008) refer to a race between education<br />

and technology when discussing the case of<br />

the United States, but the phrase was first used by<br />

Tinbergen (1975).<br />

114. Brynjolfsson and McAfee (2014, 11).<br />

115. Oviedo and others (forthcoming) use STEP household<br />

surveys (World Bank, various years) from 10<br />

developing countries to characterize the typical<br />

tasks done across occupations, and show that,<br />

indeed, occupations that are considered intensive<br />

in nonroutine cognitive and socioemotional skills<br />

require workers to do more complex reading, write<br />

longer texts, use more advanced math, contact more<br />

clients, collaborate more with others, as well as do<br />

more thinking, learning, supervising, and presenting.<br />

By contrast, these occupations do fewer routine<br />

and manual activities, such as operating machines<br />

and doing physical activities.<br />

116. WDR calculations based on STEP household surveys<br />

(World Bank, various years).

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